强生连3轮获最高票…党魁胜券在握 斯图尔特遭淘汰:已写好辞职信



英国保守党魁选举第3轮投票结果出炉,前外相强生以143票狠甩现任外相杭特的54票,再度获得最高票。第3轮投票中,国际发展大臣斯图尔特(Rory Stewart)惨遭淘汰,剩余4人将在当地时间20日进行第4轮投票,接着6月22日由12万保守党员进行最终投票,结果将于7月22日揭晓。


I am so moved & inspired by the support I have received over the last few weeks - it has given me a new faith in politics, a new belief in our country. I didn’t get enough MPs to believe today - but they will I remain deeply committed to you and to this country. #RoryWalksOn

强生在第3轮中拿下143票,比前一轮多出17票,第二高票则是杭特的54票,其次则为环境大臣迈克尔戈夫(Michael Gove)51票、内政大臣贾伟德(Sajid Javid)38票。在3轮投票都大幅领先的强生推文表示,很高兴在55岁生日收到如此大礼,「再次感谢友人同僚谢谢你们在第3轮投票的支持,尤其是在我生日这一天。」

Thank you once again to friends and colleagues for your support in the third ballot - especially on my birthday! We’ve come a long way but we have much further to go.Join the #BackBoris team https://t.co/tGRXu94CmT pic.twitter.com/p5ImzGTKDf