亲中派总理闪辞!斯里兰卡政争落幕 前总理回锅宣誓就职

▲ 拉贾帕克萨先前担任总统期间,因不断向中国举债而被视为亲中派份子。(图/路透


斯里兰卡政治斗争历经近2个月终于画下句点,亲中派前总统兼现任总理的政治强人拉贾帕克萨(Mahinda Rajapakse)15日闪辞,先前被总统席瑞塞纳(Maithripala Sirisena)解散职务的总理威克瑞米辛赫(Ranil Wickremesinghe)16日再度被任命为总理,也宣告席瑞塞纳在这场政治角力战吞下败仗。

▼ 威克瑞米辛赫16日宣誓就职总理。(图/路透)


消息一出,许多国家拒绝承认拉贾帕克萨政府,国际信用评级机构惠誉国际(Fitch)和标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)以不确定的政策前景再融资风险为由双双下调斯里兰卡评级。此外,拉贾帕克萨未能在国会拥有多数优势,让他在上任一个半月后就宣布请辞下台。

@officialunp supporters throng TT to receive PM @RW_UNP. He thanks all of them as well as others who stood up and for sticking together these 50+ days to defeat #CoupLK @sajithpremadasa pic.twitter.com/NeOz4XFaNX

Today marks a victory not for myself or for the UNP. It is a victory for Sri Lanka’s democratic institutions and the sovereignty of our citizens. I thank everyone who stood firm in defending the constitution and ensuring the triumph of democracy.



Politics aside I would like to congratulate @RW_UNP being appointed as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. I hope at least now he will work towards ensuring the sovereignty of this country and more so address issues of our people more than Western interests.