世界第一人!美冒险家54天独自横跨南极洲 英陆军完成友遗愿紧追在后



美国冒险家欧布莱迪历经54天,终于成为世界首位独自徒步横越南极洲的挑战者,整趟极地旅程超过1500公里,途中没有任何补给协助。他全程揹着180公斤重的装备,并配戴全球定位系统(GPS),透过网站(随时更新挑战进度,抵达终点罗斯冰棚(Ross Ice Shelf)时,立刻哭着打给妻子大喊,「我做到了!」

Day 54: FINISH LINE!!! I did it! The Impossible First. 32 hours and 30 minutes after leaving my last camp early Christmas morning, I covered the remaining ~80 miles in one continuous “Antarctica Ultramarathon” push to the finish line. The wooden post in the background of this picture marks the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, where Antarctica’s land mass ends and the sea ice begins. As I pulled my sled over this invisible line, I accomplished my goal: to become the first person in history to traverse the continent of Antarctica coast to coast solo, unsupported and unaided. While the last 32 hours were some of the most challenging hours of my life, they have quite honestly been some of the best moments I have ever experienced. I was locked in a deep flow state the entire time, equally focused on the end goal, while allowing my mind to recount the profound lessons of this journey. I’m delirious writing this as I haven’t slept yet. There is so much to process and integrate and there will be many more posts to acknowledge the incredible group of people who supported this project. But for now, I want to simply recognize my #1 who I, of course, called immediately upon finishing. I burst into tears making this call. I was never alone out there. @jennabesaw you walked every step with me and guided me with your courage and strength. WE DID IT!! We turned our dream into reality and proved that The Impossible First is indeed possible. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela. #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

Colin O'Brady(@colinobrady)分享的贴文 于 PST 2018 年 12月 月 26 日 下午 12:55 张贴

现年33岁的欧布莱迪(Colin O'Brady)26日在Instragram写道,这趟路几乎都是上坡,而在最后129公里时,他认为可以一口气完成,「最后这32小时,是我生命中最具挑战性时刻,亦是我经历过最美好的时刻。」欧布莱迪本来在金融业服务,2008年辞去工作成为「职业冒险王」。2016年他创下攀登七大洲最高峰世界纪录。完成这次南极冒险旅程后,他计划校园演讲跟学生分享经验

与欧布莱迪同行的还有英国陆军上尉鲁德(Louis Rudd),鲁德的好友英国陆军军官伍斯莱(Henry Worsley)在2016年同样挑战此项旅程,但在距离终点仅48公里处不幸丧命。鲁德以伍斯莱的名义再度挑战,预计两天后会抵达终点,「我带着伍斯莱的旗子,替他走完全部的路程。」

▲鲁德带着伍斯莱旗子替他完成这趟旅程。(图/翻摄自Facebook/Louis Rudd)

欧布莱迪并非首位横越南极洲的冒险家,1997年挪威探险家奥斯兰(Borge Ousland)独自成功横越南极,但当时他靠着风力帮助他拉雪橇,《纽约时报》则形容欧布莱迪横越南极是「极地史上最值得一提的壮举」。