医师「没救活」遭200人围殴 印度80万医生掀罢工潮


Resident Doctors don't want to go on strike they are ready to work without food and hostels but they are helpless nowThese incidents are disturbing their sleep nowThey are having such dreams that MOB of 100 attendants are hitting on their head with bricks@ANI@drharshvardhan pic.twitter.com/aJMUhLRGIh

综合外媒报导,在印度医学会(IMA)的召集下,80万名医生加入了罢工的行列。IMA主席夏尔玛(Rajan Sharma)表示,「加尔各答事件只是一个爆发点,这已经持续太久了」,任何一个文明社会都不会接受这种针对医生的暴力行为。

全印度医学协会(AIIMS)主席也说,「「我们希望政府在所有医院提供安全保障并修改法律,以便任何保证医师的安全,我们只是想无畏惧做好我们的工作。」 西孟加拉邦首席部长纳吉(Mamata Banerjee)公开谴责医生罢工行动,「警察被杀都没有罢工了」,并警告医生们如果不回去工作,就把他们赶出宿舍。纳吉的言论引来了医师们的愤怒,从最初的罢工仅于各医院的区域性罢工行动,演变成全国性的医师大罢工。医师罢工发动后,为了平息民众的愤怒,班纳吉也在压力之下决定和IMA以及医疗团体代表进行协商

"We issue an ultimatum of 48 hours to West Bengal government to meet demands of the striking doctors there, failing which we would be forced to resort to indefinite strike at AIIMS": Resident Doctors Association, AIIMS (ANI)For more information: https://t.co/no6xJjnP64 pic.twitter.com/PqnnjZsoAK