影/澳洲暴雨酿洪水…无尾熊淋成落汤鸡 无助靠恩人胸膛「谢谢你」
▲工作人员冒雨把无尾熊救出水灾淹水区。(图/翻摄自Facebook/Australian Reptile Park)
「澳洲爬虫动物园」(Australian Reptile Park)在粉丝页po出这场豪雨带来的灾情,只见园内洪水横溢,不断冲刷着栅栏,工作人员赶紧出动去拯救才刚逃过大火,现在又被大雨浇头的无尾熊,影片中两只无尾熊攀在一名男子身上,逃出水灾,准备进到室内躲雨,无助表情让人非常心疼。
This morning we made the tough decision to close the park for the day due to incredibly heavy (much needed!) rainfall resulting in floods we haven't seen for over 15 years!
We’ve even had keepers stationed at our Alligator Lagoon to monitor the water levels, which were rising beyond the fence line.
Here is some footage we captured out around the park. We're very thankful for our amazing, quick thinking staff for helping keep things under control and our animals dry.