中文问候「你好吗」是种族歧视? 《厨神当道》明星怒:用肤色认定



澳洲版烹饪实境秀《厨神当道》(MasterChef)的明星选手莎拉(Sarah Tiong)日前在IG的限时动态上表示,自己被电台主持人以「你好吗」(ni hao ma)打招呼,进而感到不适,因为对方仅针对肤色,就认定自己「是中国人并说中国话」,根本就是种族歧视。




此外,澳洲的自由食品作家梅利莎.梁(Melissa Leong)也在莎拉的限时动态声援,认为电台主持人所说的话并不有趣也不聪明,「这只说明了这个国家的种族毒性深根蒂固,任何媒体上,有发言权的人都应该了解更多」。

Thank you. I loved every minute of MasterChef and I am so excited to now be able to share a whole range of new recipes and events. I have loved seeing so many of you tagging me and posting your recreations of my recipes. I promise they will always be easier than any pressure test . I am grateful, firstly, to every mind, heart and hand who worked on the show. I am grateful to every viewer and supporter of the show. Thank you @fooderati @andyallencooks and @zonfrillo for allowing me to share a part of myself with you. I am so filled with love for the new friends I have made. The biggest changes and growth for me happened off screen. This second time around on MasterChef represents a deeply transformative, soul-stirring time for me. There’s so much more to come. Be kind, have fun. — — #masterchefau #masterchef #tv #chef #cook #friends #elimination #food #foods #foodie #foodies #happy #proud #representation #asian #lgbtq #cooking #foodstagram #foodgram #instafood #igfood

Sarah Tiong(@fillmytummy)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 9 日 上午 3:59 张贴