方恩格专栏》就职演说后 赖清德的挑战才开始















Grading President Lai's Inaugural Address

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad


On May 20th, William Lai was inaugurated as the Republic of China’s 16th-term President. Prior to the inauguration there was much speculation as to what Lai would say in his inaugural address, and in the days after President Lai’s inaugural address experts in Taiwan as well as overseas have analyzed what President Lai said, especially with regard to Taiwan’s relationship with Mainland China.

On a pass/fail grading scale, President Lai certainly deserves a “pass”; the difficult challenges will be subsequent to the inaugural address and last four years.

In early May, this author wrote in this newspaper about five things to watch for in President Lai’s inaugural address. Let’s review those five versus what Lai actually said.

1. Practical Worker for Taiwan Independence: On September 26, 2017 in the Legislative Yuan when he was Premier, President Lai described himself as a “practical worker for Taiwan independence”. President Lai did not repeat this statement in his inaugural address. This author wrote in early May that it is easy for Lai to say this when he was Premier, but more difficult to say it when he is President.

Different experts have different opinions about which was the most important parts of the China related discussion in the inaugural address. This author noted that President Lai said he would adhere to the “Four Commitments” enunciated by former President Tsai Ing-wen in her 2021 National Day address. However, President Lai didn’t list the “Four Commitments”. Do many people who watched or read President Lai’s inaugural address remember what President Tsai’s “Four Commitments” are? They are enduring commitment to a free and democratic constitutional system, commitment that the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China should not be subordinate to each other, commitment to resist annexation or encroachment upon Taiwan’s sovereignty, and commitment that the future of the Republic of China (Taiwan) must be decided in accordance with the will of the Taiwanese people.

Even this author had to re-read former President Tsai’s 2021 National Day address to refresh his memory what the Four Commitments are, especially as, other than the “Republic of China and the People's Republic of China should not be subordinate to each”, President Tsai rarely mentioned the other three commitments over the past few years.

2. References to China: This author expected Lai would refer to “China” throughout his inaugural address, and President Lai was consistent with this prediction. President Lai referred to the mainland as “China” seven times, and, referred one time to the mainland by its official name, the People’s Republic of China. Lai did not use descriptions such as “the other side” (对岸) or “mainland area” (大陆地区). Notably, President Lai did not mention even one time that he would conduct relations with China in accordance with the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. Former President Tsai, in her 2016 inaugural address, had pledged that the “The new government will conduct cross-Strait affairs in accordance with the Republic of China Constitution, the Act Governing Relations Between the People of Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, and other relevant legislation”.

Coincidentally, Lai also used seven times the word sovereignty (主权). Perhaps in the coming months and years, Lai will repeatedly emphasize “sovereignty” as a replacement for his earlier statement to be a practical worker for Taiwan’s independence.

3. References to the Republic of China: This author expected President Lai to refer to the Republic of China once or twice, such as the beginning of his address when he notes that he has taken the oath of office as the Republic of China president, or, when he pledges to uphold the Republic of China Constitution. In fact, President Lai referred to the Republic of China twelve times. This author expected President Lai to refer to Taiwan many more times than he refers to the Republic of China, and President Lai certainly did this. Including the paragraph headings, President Lai referred to Taiwan eighty-seven times in the Mandarin version of his inaugural address and one hundred and five times in the English version.

4. Economy: A large portion of President Tsai’s 2016 inaugural address was devoted to talking about the economy. President Tsai called for “Transforming Economic Structures”. Tsai also said Taiwan would pursue membership in the regional trade agreements the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. President Lai also noted that “Taiwan has officially applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, and we will continue to engage actively in regional economic integration.” President Lai referred to semiconductors four times, and artificial intelligence two times. President Lai also said that “We are a key player in supply chains for global democracies”. Perhaps these statements were meant for the United States government, which is increasingly concerned about semiconductors and technology supply chains.

President Lai mentioned “economy” ten times, but these domestic policy issues parts of the inaugural came across as somewhat rushed. President Lai referred to many economic and social policy issues that are important to the public, though he did not offer specific policy suggestions. These items included an "even better wage environment", "more effective public safety" a "crack down on corruption and organized crime, guns, drugs, and fraud", a "stable supply of electricity", a “second energy transition", a pledge that "labor insurance will not fail under our government", a pledge to "create a human-friendly transportation environment", and a pledge to "help lighten the load for family caregivers and work to solve the labor shortage issue". President Lai also said “we must be resolved in our transition to net-zero emissions by the year 2050”, and he pledged to “assist small- and medium-sized enterprises as they upgrade and transform”.

Perhaps President Lai will share specific policies when, and if, he is required to appear before the Legislative Yuan to deliver a state of the nation address.

5. Relationship With the Opposition: Prior to the inauguration this author speculated as to whether or not Lai will refer to the reality that his Democratic Progressive Party is in the Legislative Yuan minority. Of course, at the time, we could not imagine the extraordinary events on May 17 in the Legislative Yuan, which included fighting between legislators of different parties. In this regard, President Lai said that “The majority should respect the minority, while the minority accepts majority rule. Only then can we avoid conflict and maintain a stable and harmonious society”. We should not expect legislators to adhere to President Lai’s hopes. In other words, for the next four years we should expect that Legislative Yuan relations with the Presidential Office and Executive Yuan will be more disharmony and not much harmony.

In conclusion, President Lai had a difficult task in his inaugural address. He had to avoid any “red lines” imposed by the Biden Administration, most notably not to repeat he is a practical worker for Taiwan independence. At the same, he had to say something about Taiwan’s status to satisfy the 40% of voters who voted for him. He also had to discuss things other than cross-strait relations, which he tried to do when he mentioned many economic and social policy issues.

Unfortunately for President Lai, the death of Iran’s president in a helicopter crash one day prior to the inaugural address resulted in less international media attention to Taiwan’s new president, and the mainland’s subsequent military exercises will cause memories of President Lai’s inaugural address to quickly fade among the public in Taiwan.

Regardless, President Lai’s inaugural address deserves a passing grade. Governing Taiwan for the next four years will be a more difficult assignment!