命中注定遇见你!他翻未婚妻童年海滩照 发现自己身影
▲柯莉琪跟未婚夫一起翻阅童年照片时才发现,照片中在她身后游泳的小男孩竟然就是他。(图/翻摄自veronavanity Instagram)
来自科索沃的柯莉琪(Verona Koliqi)10年前曾跟家人到蒙特内哥罗(Montenegro)渡假,一行人当时在海滩上留下合影。没想到日前她跟未婚夫布扎库(Mirand Buzaku)一起翻看相簿时才发现,当年照片中在她身后游泳的小男孩,竟然就是布扎库,让他们惊呆了,不敢相信缘分这么神奇。
Arghh caption keeps getting deleted wth?? One last time: Here is this photos story explained ❤️ One day I was looking at this old beach photo that was taken 10 years ago and showed my fiance (now) the photo so we can have a laugh and run down memory lane, @mirandbuzaku being the type to look behind the photo he noticed the kid in the back had the same shirt,shorts and floaty as him , we analyzed further and confirmed with family members that its him photobombing my family photo