Swedish House Mafia惊爆「临时取消Tomorrowland压轴」 内部人士怒揭真相


世界第一大电音活动Tomorrowland(明日电子音乐节),即将迈入第2周,23日公布「3 Are Legend」(Dimitri Vegas、Like Mike以及Steve Aoki)为最终压轴DJ,形同证实Swedish House Mafia(简称SHM,瑞典浩室黑手党)今年不会出席,许多粉丝失望不已。一名自称内部人士网友爆料「SHM确实临时放鸟」,虽然消息并未受到官方证实,然而已在网路上掀起一番热议

▲瑞典传奇电音天团Swedish House Mafia。(图/达志影像美联社

SHM在2018年3月迈阿密Ultra适逢20周年之际,在最后一组压轴世纪合体,让许多乐迷感动不已,团员之一Steve Angello曾经公开表示SHM「将会以任何必要的形式」登上2019年Tomorrowland。而过去连续3年担任Tomorrowland主舞台压轴DJ的Martin Garrix在1月证实今年只会在自家唱片公司舞台STMPD stage表演,今年6月Tomorrowland官方粉丝团放上烟火彩蛋,暗示SHM的出席,因此粉丝一直相信SHM今年会在Tomorrowland主舞台担任压轴DJ。

▲Tomorrowland官网曾经暗示Swedish House Mafia可能登台表演。(图/翻摄自Tomorrowland官网)

年初Tomorrowland公布阵容没有SHM,不过粉丝仍在等待「好消息」,一直到这几天公布第1周压轴为「3 Are Legend」(Dimitri Vegas、Like Mike以及Steve Aoki),第2周又是同一组合,粉丝才彻底死心。虽然SHM从未正式宣布将在Tomorrowland表演,然而SHM因「无法预期状况」临时取消Ultra Korea、Weekend Festival,半年内有了「两场前科」加上这次的「缺席」,许多粉丝对他们失望透顶


SHM「缺席」消息引发网友热议,一名自称曾与Tomorrowland官方内部人士有密切来往的网友Mailbox538在美国论坛《Reddit》爆料:「我100%保证,Swedish House Mafia本来谈定在Tomorrowland第1周、第2周压轴表演,两次都在最后一刻取消,然而取消却没有说明原因。」他透露,Tomorrowland正在要求Swedish House Mafia给出最后一刻退出的原因,官方希望有个原因才能向外界公开说明。

▲网友爆料Swedish House Mafia临时取消Tomorrowland压轴表演。(图/翻摄自Twitter、Reddit)



Hi guys,

So there’s been a lot of discussion around Swedish House Mafia and their (none-)performances at Tomorrowland. It’s only fair that I inform you, the community - The people who make the event so special.

I’ve been in conversation with the Tomorrowland organization, as I would be involved in the Tomorrowland communication, and can confirm that Swedish House Mafia were 100% booked to close both Weekend 1 and Weekend 2. For both weekends they cancelled two times very last minute. The reason for cancellation hasn’t been communicated.

Discussions are ongoing between Tomorrowland and Swedish House Mafia to understand why they decided to pull out at the last minute. Until there are clear answers, I wouldn’t expect an official statement.

Obviously this came as a huge surprise and the organization are very frustrated and have done their best to organize new acts at the last minute (e.g. KSHMR added on the Monday before W1). As you can imagine this isn’t easy when headline artists are all over the world, and have other commitments.

I understand this is very disappointing news, and your pain is also felt by the Tomorrowland organization. Hope all you in W1 had the time of your life none the less, and Weekend 2 start the Hype!

There will be no further comment from myself as this is all the news I have - I am not in a position to answer further questions.
