夏礼章/传奇乡村歌后 Kitty Wells高龄去世


有Queen of Country Music「乡村歌后」美誉歌星Kitty Wells,,7月16日星期一早晨在家人陪伴下安详的离开人世,享年92岁。◄图/翻摄自网路Kitty Wells 1919年出生于田纳西州Nashville,是一位传奇乡村歌手作曲人与吉它手,1952年至1979年有81首乡村歌曲排行榜畅销曲。Kitty Wells于1937年与后来成为他先生的Johnnie Wright一同踏入歌坛,1952年以It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels这首歌成为第一位在乡村歌曲排行榜获得冠军女歌手。乡村歌曲是美国南方地域性流行歌曲,伴随着班鸠琴、木吉他小提琴口琴等的伴奏,唱出歌谣舞曲内容,也拥有无数的爱好者。1960年代起有很多乡村歌曲同时也在流行歌坛受到歌迷们的喜爱,这些跨界的歌星包括:Glen Campbel、John Denver、Anne Murray与Kenny Rogers等。

It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk AngelsKitty Wells

As I sit here tonight the jukebox playin'The tune about the wild side of lifeAs I listen to the words you are sayin'It brings memories when I was a trusting wife

It wasn't God who made Honky Tonk angelsAs you said in the words of your songToo many times married men think they're still singleThat has caused many a good girl to go wrong

It's a shame that all the blame is on us womenIt's not true that only you men feel the sameFrom the start most every heart that's ever brokenWas because there always was a man to blame

It wasn't God who made Honky Tonk angelsAs you said in the words of your songToo many times married men think they're still singleThat has caused many a good girl to go wrong

