「婴儿停止呼吸发紫」妈一路超速 警拦车遭吼…6分钟按心脏救回

▲警察按压婴儿心脏,还安抚母亲情绪。(图/翻摄自脸书/Berkeley County Sheriff's Office)


美国南卡罗莱纳州警察金布罗(Will Kimbro)上月11日进行例行巡逻时,他拦下一辆超速汽车,接着看到一名女驾驶下车并大喊「宝宝没有呼吸」,模样相当慌张。金布罗在呼叫医疗人员后,便持续拍打才12天大婴儿的心脏,不断说着「拜托,宝贝」并给予母亲鼓励,宝宝最后成功救回性命,感动许多人。

CNN报导,金布罗上月在伯克利郡(Berkeley County)拦下超速的女驾驶,他没想到接下来会是一场奋战。当时婴儿母亲冲出车外并喊叫「孩子没有呼吸」,婴儿四肢已因缺氧而呈现青色

▲母亲一度落泪。(图/翻摄自脸书/Berkeley County Sheriff's Office)



▲医疗人员赶往现场。(图/翻摄自脸书/Berkeley County Sheriff's Office)


When we wear the uniform and badge, we become what someone needs at that moment. For one Deputy that meant he needed to become the line between life and death for one young child. On June 11, a Deputy was conducting routine patrol in the unincorporated Summerville area of Berkeley County when he stopped a vehicle for speeding. What happens next was all captured on his department-issued body camera. Upon stopping the vehicle, the driver immediately exited the car and exclaimed that the baby in her vehicle had stopped breathing. Deputy W. Kimbro knew he needed to act immediately to save the baby’s life. Deputy Kimbro made contact with the 12-day-old baby and her mother in the vehicle. The mother told the Deputy the baby stopped breathing after drinking a bottle. Deputy Kimbro took the baby’s limp and cyanotic body and performed lifesaving first aid. As a result, he was able to get the baby to breathe again until EMS could arrive. Because of Deputy Kimbro’s steadfast, professional and heroic response, the 12-day old baby was able to live. Please join us in congratulating Deputy Kimbro for his gallant actions that prolonged human life. He was awarded the “Life-Saving Medal” from Sheriff Lewis for his heroic actions that day. Well done!