影/知名瑜珈Pure Yoga退出台湾市场 1/25结束营业!


知名瑜珈健身中心瑜珈Pure Yoga抛出震撼弹,该公司脸书专页宣布将于1/25退出台湾市场。有网友在该篇声明下方留言指出,「我才刚签新约傻眼」、「不知道会不会有人接手」、「怎么回事啊这么突然」,对于Pure Yoga突然撤出台湾市场的决定感到错愕。

▲知名瑜珈健身中心瑜珈Pure Yoga抛出震撼弹,该公司在脸书专页宣布将于1/25,退出台湾市场。(图/PURE YOGA提供)


我们非常遗憾地宣布台湾Pure Yoga将于2019年1月25日结束营业衷心地感谢台湾地区的瑜珈社群这十二年以来一路相伴,共同学习与成长。考量目前台湾市场的投资状况不如预期,我们不舍地作出这个艰难的决定,此变动仅限于台北分公司集团香港新加坡上海北京各地之分公司将维持正常营运,不受影响,并按原计划持续进行拓展,包含下个月将于上海世纪广场开幕的Pure Fitness与Pure Yoga,与新加坡共和大厦的Pure Yoga全新的三个据点。

We’re sorry to say that Pure Yoga Taiwan will be closing on 25 January 2019. We’ve had 12 great years practicing with, and learning from, the Taiwan yoga community, and we thank every one of you for being part of the journey. Unfortunately we’ve had to make a tough decision in light of the current market situation as the Taiwan market is not currently financially viable for us. . This is specific to our Taiwan business and has no impact on Pure Group operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing, where our expansion is continuing as planned – this includes the opening of 3 new locations next month; Pure Fitness and Pure Yoga in Century Link, Shanghai, and Pure Yoga in Republic Plaza, Singapore.