月光光心慌慌!5种「哭穷」方式 让你婉拒邀约不尴尬
你是不是有一种感觉,明明才领完年终奖金、压岁钱,怎么过个年荷包君又变得骨瘦如柴了呢?每到月底就穷到要吃土,必须勒紧裤带过日子,别说存钱了,连社交聚会都困难,面对邀约只能说不!《VoiceTube》要教你5种最口语化的哭穷方式,让你婉拒朋友不尴尬!除了No Money,还可以这么说…
● poor mouth (v.) 哭穷
A: I just bought a Coach purse, so I don’t have a penny now. What should I do?A: 我刚买了一个 Coach包包,所以我现在身上没半毛钱。该怎么办才好呢?B: Oh! Stop crying poor mouth!B: 噢!拜托别再哭穷了好吗?
● commit wallet homicide 荷包大失血
He committed wallet homicide for his girlfriend to celebrate their first anniversary.他为了女友荷包大失血,来庆祝他们的第一个纪念日。
● as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗、穷到吃土
He used to be as poor as a church mouse before his success in stock markets.在股票投资成功以前,他曾过着一贫如洗的生活。
● in the red / in the hole 负债、欠款
My brother has a lot of credit card debts. He has about 1 million in the hole now.我弟弟欠了很多卡债,他现在大概还欠一百万元。
● go bankrupt 破产
He became depressed after he went bankrupt.他破产后陷入忧郁。
● strap for cash / pinch pennies / pinch and scrape 精打细算
I can’t go to the movies with you guys because I’m strapped for cash now.我不能和你们去看电影,因为我正在控制预算过日子中。
A: Can I borrow a few bucks for Christmas party?A: 你可以借我点钱去参加圣诞派对吗?B: Sorry, but I’m pinching pennies myself.B: 抱歉,我正在努力节制自己的支出。
● tighten one’s belt 勒紧裤带
The young couple have to tighten their belt to make ends meet.那对年轻的情侣必须勒紧裤带过生活,才能收支平衡。