这里没有暴力! 佛州警察「单膝跪地」共同祈祷 拒绝警民冲突

Very moving moment here in Coral Gables. A religious leader led the group in prayer. Police officers joined them in taking a knee. This was after a Q&A between protesters and police. @CBSMiami pic.twitter.com/Pc3jRneo9Y



佛洛伊德(George Floyd)25日在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)死亡的影像震惊各界,美国各地为此掀起抗议,出现抢劫、枪击,甚至是车辆冲撞人群场景

While smoke bombs go off at the #MIAMIPROTEST, at the Coral Gables #GeorgeFloydprotest earlier today, police take a knee in solidarity. Photo by @SunSentinel's Mike Stocker: pic.twitter.com/yMHnMXuQYG

但CBS12网站报导,珊瑚墙市(Coral Gables)一场和迈阿密戴德郡警察首长协会(Miami-Dade Chiefs of Police Association)合办的抗议,呈现的却是另一种景象

在这场和平抗议中,民众依然高举「黑人的命也是命」(Black Lives Matter)与「停止警察施暴」(Stop Police Brutality)等标语

Coral Gables, FL. police officers met protesters with love, compassion and prayer. Love is more powerful than what you think & imagine, there is nothing that love cannot conquer. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. – 1 Jn 4:8 pic.twitter.com/684Exq85Ub



由于迈阿密市区的湾市场购物中心(Bayside Marketplace)有部分商家惨遭歹徒洗劫破坏,迈阿密戴德郡长梅内斯(Carlos Jimenez)已下令全郡于晚间10时至清晨6时实施宵禁,直到当局进一步通知。

►川普痛批极左派煽动暴力 拟将「反法西斯团体」列为恐怖组织►「压脖恶警」1日下午出庭应讯! 明州检察总长:我们在追求正义►全美27城宵禁!芝加哥市长宣布「无限期实施」 240人被捕、20警察伤


