澳总理遭蛋袭画面曝!正中后脑勺没破秒弹飞 网歪楼狂酸:蛋是不是熟的
#BREAKING Prime Minister @ScottMorrisonMP has been egged by a protester #auspol @SkyNewsAust pic.twitter.com/Y825aoORIi
澳洲总理莫里森(Scott Morrison)7日出席公开行程,为下周六登场的国会选举做暖身。不过,正当他接受媒体联访时,一名女性抗议人士突然从他后方丢出一颗鸡蛋,正中莫里森后脑勺,当场弹飞场外。
My concern about today’s incident in Albury was for the older lady who was knocked off her feet. I helped her up and gave her a hug. Our farmers have to put up with these same idiots who are invading their farms and their homes.
这已经不是澳洲政坛首宗蛋袭事件。今年3月,昆士兰省参议员安宁(Fraser Anning)把纽西兰基督城清真寺的恐攻案件归咎於穆斯林,因而遭到一名少年蛋洗。
A protester thrown an egg the Prime Minister Scott Morrison at an event in Albury (it didn’t break). #auspol #ausvotes @politicsabc pic.twitter.com/7KYWbKrrun
A protester has thrown an egg at Scott Morrison at a Country Women's Association event in Albury. It is understood the egg narrowly missed the Prime Minister's head.Story here: https://t.co/93fhGh2gS2 pic.twitter.com/uyGevVjoRM