《狮子王》经典台词中英对照 「要改变未来,就得放下过去」
你看,辛巴Look, Simba.
阳光照到的地方都是我们的王国Everything the light touches is our kingdom.
全部都归你管?You rule all of that?
不过国王统治的时间But a king's time as ruler...
就像太阳一样升起又落下rises and falls like the sun.
总有一天,辛巴One day, Simba...
太阳将随着我退位而落下the sun will set on my time here...
在你当上新国王时升起and will rise with you as the new king.
这些都会是我的?All of this will belong to me?
它不属于任何人,但你必须保护它It belongs to no one,but will be yours to protect.
这是一项重责大任A great responsibility.
我以为国王可以为所欲为But I thought a king could do whatever he wants.
占领任何领域Take any territory.
当众生只想巧取豪夺While others search for what they can take...
真正的国王会寻找他能付出的东西a true king searches for what he can give.
你所看到的一切都处于微妙的平衡Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
身为国王,你必须了解那种平衡As king, you need to understand that balance...
尊重所有生命and respect all the creatures...
从蚂蚁到羚羊一视同仁from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.
可是爸,我们不是吃羚羊吗?But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
对,辛巴,听我解释Yes, Simba. But let me explain.
在我们死后,身体会化作草地When we die, our bodies become the grass...
羚羊则吃青草and the antelope eat the grass...
因此我们在生命循环中息息相关and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.
我只想让你看到我做得到,我能像你一样勇敢That I could be brave like you.
我只在必要时,别无选择下才会勇敢I'm only brave when I have to be, when there's no other choice.
可是你什么都不怕But you're not scared of anything.
今天我很害怕I was today.
是吗?You were?
是,我以为可能失去你Yes. I thought I might lose you.
我想国王也会害怕吧I guess even kings get scared, huh?
超乎你的想像More than you could ever know.
改变未来就得放下过去我做了一件可怕的事I did something terrible.
我不想谈I don't wanna talk about it.
孩子,我们都会犯错Look, kid, we've all made mistakes.
一定有办法解决吧?There must be something we can do, right?
除非你们能改变过去Not unless you can change the past.
这有点强人所难…Well, you know, that's a lot to ask...
超难的,不容易 -说真的That's pretty hard. That's a biggie -...if I'm being honest.
改变过去?它都发生了I mean, change the past? It already happened.
对,所以不能改变Yeah, so you can't change that.
知道你可以改变什么吗?But you know what you can change?
未来,那是我们的强项The future. That's our specialty.
我们的专长Kind of our thing.
你们如何改变还没发生的事?How can you change something that hasn't happened?
要改变未来,就得放下过去Well, to change the future, you gotta put your past behind you.
放得远远的Way behind.
孩子,坏事发生时你根本没辄吧?Look, kid, bad things happen and you can't do anything about it, right?
错了!世界不理你的时候Wrong! When the world turns its back on you...
你也不必理它you turn your back on the world!
只关注接下来的事And only embrace what's next!
别把事情看得太严重And turn the "what" into "so what?"
你父亲在等Your father is waiting.
看到他了吗?Do you see him?
我什么都没看到I don't see anything.
靠近点看Look closer.
看到了吗?You see?
他活在你心里He lives in you.
你必须在生命循环中找到立足之地You must take your place in the circle of life.
我不能I can't.
你必须记住你是谁You must remember who you are.
独一无二真正的国王The one true king.
对不起I'm sorry.
我不懂如何才能像你一样I don't know how to be like you.
身为国王,我最骄傲的一件事As king, I was most proud of one thing.
就是有你这个儿子Having you as my son.
那是很久以前的事了That was a long time ago.
不,辛巴,那是永远No, Simba. That is forever.
别再离开我Don't leave me again.
我从未离开过你I never left you.
以后也不会And never will.
记住你自己是谁Remember who you are.
※编辑:Daniel Ku | 来源:Disney | (完整文章请看VOGUE.com)延伸阅读