

Companies that conduct tours of Beijing's classic alleys, or hutong, should only be allowed to take groups to lanes that display traditional culture or contain historical sites ,according to a draft guideline on hutong tourism from the city government.


1、hutong tourism就是“胡同游”的意思

2、征求意见规范了“胡同游/hutong tourism”的定义,即以北京特有的具有传统文化/traditional culture、风俗人情/folk customs、历史风貌/historical sites的胡同为载体,向游客提供吃、住、行、游、购、娱和文化展示/culture display服务的特色旅游业态

3、在实施方面,胡同游接待量应与经营主体规模相匹配/hutong should not be able to accept more people then they can handle;夜间营业的胡同,公共场地应有充足的灯光照明和应急照明设施/hutong that are open during the night should be equipped with sufficient lights and emergency power supplies in public areas。