夏礼章西洋歌曲选粹/Olivia Newton-John的癌症医疗中心开幕


Olivia Newton-John 挂名位于澳洲Melbourne的癌症医疗中心Olivia Newton-John cancer and wellness centre(ONJCWC)于6月22日举办了盛大的开幕典礼,第一位病患将于7月2日进入该中心,这个世界水准的癌症中心,建于1982年即开办的Austin Hospital医院中,它除提供癌症医疗外,也对病患做心智精神方面辅导。长期关注环保与动物保护议题的 Olivia Newton-John,1992年得乳癌康复后对慈善事业亦开始关心出力。在流行歌坛Olivia Newton-John是历年畅销歌星排行榜第33名的巨星,1948年出生于英国Cambridge,但于澳洲Melbourne长大祖父诺贝尔奖得主,德国物理学家Max Born,Olivia 16岁时因赢得一项才艺竞赛而返回英国,自此踏入歌唱电影圈,她的歌路乡村流行歌曲,自1971年的If Not For You开始直到1985年都不断有畅销曲进入排行榜前40名,1978年她与John Travolta一同演出的电影Grease「火爆浪子」与接着的Xanadu「仙纳度的狂热」更使她的事业达到巅峰。除了歌星、影星头衔之外,Olivia Newton-John还有企业家身份,她1984年开创的服装连锁事业(Koala Blue)也相当成功。Olivia Newton-John一共得过四座Grammy奖,有五首歌获得过排行榜冠军,其中1981年获10周冠军的Physical是成绩最好的歌。2010年Billboard杂志曾有一项为情人节特别做的调查统计,Physical这首歌列名历年流行歌曲歌词内容与「性」最相关的歌第一名,当年新歌推广时有二家犹他州电台曾因这首歌的歌词具挑逗性禁播这首歌,后来唱片公司特别拍了以Olivia Newton-John绑头带跳有氧舞蹈音乐影带宣传,以转移这首歌的性话题,现在回想起来策略是很成功的。

Physical-Words ands Music by Stephen Kipner and Terry Shaddick

I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like, makin' good conversationI gotta handle you just right, you know what I meanI took you to an intimate restaurant, then to a suggestive movieThere's nothin' left to talk about, unless it's horizontally

CHORUSLet's get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, let's get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talk, let me hear your body talk

repeat CHORUS

I've been patient, I've been good, tried to keep my hands on the tableIt's gettin' hard this holdin' back, you know what I meanI'm sure you'll understand my point of view, we know each other mentallyYou gotta know that you're bringin' out the animal in me

CHORUS repeats 2x

Oh, let's get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, let's get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talk, let me hear your body talk

Let's get animal, animal, I wanna get animal, let's get into animalLet me hear your body talk, your body talk, let me hear your body talk

Let me hear your body talkLet me hear your body talk

