谢沛恩洋男友发声护爱 还原离婚真相「为女儿挽回过」


艺人谢沛恩(Aggie)近日被爆出新恋情对象是大9岁的德国、198公分迦纳混血健身教练伊努萨(Inusa Dawuda Jr.),单身整整5年的她,一认爱却爆男友有过一段婚姻,日前更被男方前妻爆料,被疑是导致男方夫妻离婚的原因。对于种种指控,伊努萨8日也出面声明护爱,还原和前妻离婚的完整过程




为了保护女儿,伊努萨不愿公开前段婚姻中,和前妻所发生的不愉快,但他强调,「这一切跟Aggie一点关系也没有,任何的影射都是不正确也是不妥的。我之前的婚姻状况Aggie并不清楚。」至于对方所说的简讯调情,他表示当时和谢沛恩的聊天内容,包括「nice to meet you」、「see you again」等正常对话,强调没有调情,「最重要的是,Aggie 100%跟我们离婚无关!!我真的对不起Aggie被拉进去这个drama!」



First of all I would like to apologize to Aggie and all the people that care about her. Initially I felt dealing with this situation myself would be enough, I had no idea that this big misunderstanding would happen in such a short period of time. Due to the false and damaging accusations against Aggie I feel the need to speak up and state the facts.Starting from November 2015, my ex wife demanded the divorce several times. But because of considering our baby girl we had kept trying but failed hopelessly. We kept fighting, and kept separating throughout the entire year of 2016 back and forth. I finally gave up and agreed to a divorce to protect my daughter and to give her a peaceful environment.

The divorce was a mutual agreement and it took time to work out the details including her custody and alimonies.

Family and friends are all aware of the serious issues that were between me and my ex wife. Out of respect to the privacy of my ex wife and daughter, I do not want to disclose any further details. The divorce had nothing to do with Aggie or my relationship with her and any attempts to involve her are inappropriate. If it wouldn't because of the false accusations I would not talk about this family issues he ere neither would aggie know about all these details of my past marriage. Relationships are never easy and can become very complicated and I still have a lot to learn. Thanks for all my friends support! - Inusa

(With my assistants help find below the translation of my statement)
