《英雄联盟》2015 LMS 夏季联赛Week 8第八周焦点
【2015 LMS Smmer Split VODs, Schedule and Highlight 】
LMS 常规赛已正式结束,季后赛名单也随之尘埃落定。挺进季后赛的队伍如下:ahq、闪电狼、HKE、MSE。
The four teams going into Playoffs are as follows: AHQ, Flash Wolves, Hong Kong Esports and Midnight Sun.
1. Standings
本周的每场比赛于 MSE、TPA、M17 都关系重大,当 TPA 与 M17、HKE 与 MSE 双双打成平局,情况又更显胶着。到了常规赛最后一天,TPA 超乎预期地从 ahq 拿下一胜,西门却成为 TPA 的晋级终结者,用黛安娜扭转了原先奄奄一息的赛局。闪电狼将咪咪蛋召回战场,M17 的夏季也宣告结束。长久的追逐,TPA 与 M17 终究只能望着 MSE 渐行渐远的背影,在此我们仍得恭喜这支生力军初尝晋级的果实。
Our final week of LMS regular season decided the fourth and last spot for playoffs. Three teams started the week with a shot at glory, MSE, TPA and M17. Our first Bo ended with a jubilant MSE as TPA and M17 split the series. Then a relaxed HKE took on MSE, again splitting the series to keep the anxiety up. In the final day of regular season TPA took a strong stand against AHQ in the first game, but had their hopes dashed away as Westdoor’s Diana carried back the game. M17 also lost their chance to compete as they fell 0:2 to the FW who swapped MMD back into top. With TPA and M17 failing to close the gap with MSE, we congratulate them for securing the first playoff berth for the nascent organization.
至于其它与第四名之争无关的竞赛:ahq 精良的团战横扫与闪电狼之间的竞争,当西门秒杀 Maple ,成功之门也随之而开。LGS 在赛末终于拿下第一个完整的 BO,AS 大胆地尝试,让一等的奈德丽偷偷潜入敌方基地拉动兵线,然而 LGS 迅速应对,让辅助至中路协防化解了劣势。LGS K 在此系列赛中拿到了 5 个单杀,来到单杀排名第四的位置。
In our other series not related to the fourth spot: AHQ swept FW with masterful teamfighting, again with Westdoor’s Diana breaking open the game with an instakill on Maple while LGS managed their first clean BO win over a particularly experimental AS. LGS’s K broke the solo kill record for securing 5 unassisted kills in a single game.
Lilballz:「西门我爱你,我以后再也不酸你了!」“Westdoor I love you, I’ll never speak ill of you again.” -Lilballz, MSE Coach, ecstatic after AHQ defeated TPA to avoid a tiebreaker between TPA and MSE
2. Meta-Watch
TPA 有备而来,夜曲与慎的 combo 完美地压制 ahq 双 carry 的团队风格。Chawy 带来的无尽梦魇让 AN 的吉茵珂丝无处可逃,黑盾与魔锅仍无法让 ahq 的输出核心逃过大将的断魂之刃。这场比赛是 ahq 本季第三个败场、也是 TPA 对 ahq 的第一次胜利。
Against an AHQ squad that typically plays with two carry positions, TPA’s Nocturne/Shen combo proved incredibly deadly. AN’s Jinx had nowhere to hide, and not even a Black Shield with Mikael's could save him from Chawy's massive, blade tipped arms. The game marks only the third loss for AHQ this season, and a first win over the number one team for TPA.
叉烧:「中路夜曲结合了压线、支援、开战,此外,他是唯一一位英雄,能够用二头肌制裁对手。」"Nocturne mid combines lanning prowess, damage and initiations. Plus, it’s the only champion where he can murder people with his biceps." -Fluidwind, FW Coach
「蒂玛西亚楷模」是帝王钟爱的上路角之一,打从第二季,Stanley 总爱让嘉文装配全套攻击装、看到敌人就赏他一套。HKE 早于上周就确认了晋级机会,Stanley 决定让蒂玛西亚皇子出外放风一下,无尽之刃与三项之力 造成 892 的普攻伤害,让可怜的 Empt2 命丧峡谷。DEMACIA !!!
The Exemplar of Demacia has always been one of Stanley’s favorite top laners, often playing him as an all-in assassin since Season 2. With HKE locking in their spot in the previous week, it seemed like the Emperor of the Top lane was ready to bring the prince out for some fun. He built full damage complete with Infinity Edge and Triforce, erasing Empt2 from the rift with an 892 damage crit. DEMACIA!!!
Stanley:「打从我开始玩北美伺服器,嘉文四世就是我最喜欢的英雄之一。」“Jarvan IV has been one of my favorite champions since I’ve started playing on the NA server.” -Stanley
对于热爱开战的选手如 Dreamer 与 Chunx 来说,纳帝鲁斯或许是最好的选择。这些选手效力的队伍,也时常在上路使用这支角色,因而能够达到混淆选位的功效。结合了开战、推线能力,纳帝鲁斯狂潮一路漫烧到韩国 KOO tigers。
Nautilus has been a staple support pick for engage happy players like Dreamer and Chunx. Their teams consequently have also been the most avid users of the Titan in top lane, which gives them a flex pick and opens up counter pick possibilities bot. With great engage options and lane pushing abilities, Nautilus is making waves in multiple regions, from Oceania to the KOO tigers in Korea.
Jatt, Riot Caster:「选用纳帝鲁斯上路的好处是你就拿到了纳帝鲁斯。」“The good thing about Nautilus top is that you have Nautilus on your team."- Jatt, Riot Caster
3. Player of the Week
33.7% Damage Contribution, 1st Among All Players659 Damage Dealt Per Minute, 1st Among All Players【BigPlay of Chawy on Week 8】
我们在 Kkramer 与 Chawy 之间经过一番挣扎,最终仍觉得 Chawy 应再次获得此项殊荣。尽管 TPA 失去了季后赛资格,Chawy 的努力仍值得肯定。TPA 的中流砥柱于本周共夺下 29 次击杀,居于本周第一,他也开创了中路夜曲的选角。此外,综观夏季常规赛,Chawy 每分钟制造的伤害量居于全联盟之冠,在 TPA 最严重的低潮期,他仍是最刚强的硬汉。分析师与电竞迷欣赏他的稳定性与显著的进步,TPA 能否在资格赛中拔得头筹,或许仍仰赖大将无暇的演出。
Yes, we’re picking Chawy again for Player of the Week. Though TPA failed to secure their spot in the playoffs, there is no one that could doubt Chawy’s lack of effort. The TPA star player pulled out all the stops this week, leading all players at 29 kills while also innovating a Nocturne pick mid. If we take the entire season into account Chawy has lead the league in damage dealt per minute, along with being the hardest carry for the team. Analysts and fans alike praise him for his stability and improvement this season. With only one shot left at regionals, can Chawy pull off a miracle?
Chawy:「我已 24 岁,打比赛有十年了,我的反应与操作不比 17 到 19 岁的年轻选手,而是必须用脑力与经验,赛前我都在思考当天该如何打、对手会怎么做。」
“I’m 24, I’ve been in esports for 10 years. My reactions and mechanics aren’t as sharp as the kids who are 17 to 19 anymore. What I do have is the mental game and the experience, I’m always thinking about how to play the game and anticipating my opponent's reactions.” - Chawy
4. Game of the Week
AHQ vs FW Game 2
闪电狼开场拥有 6-1 的击杀数、以及所有外防御塔的领先,然而一连串预料之外的失误让闪电狼与胜利交一臂而失之。平时头脑冷静的蛇蛇过度激进地追击,而西门的月牙刃令所有盲目的敌人凋零;稍后在龙战与巴龙战,Maple 的维克特分别遭到 Mountain 的艾克与满装的黛安娜人间蒸发,ahq 自此奠定了胜利的基石。这场战役让 ahq 稳踞季后赛第一种子顺位,他们有更多机会观察敌手、隐藏战略,尤其季后赛的 5.13 版本变动巨大,对任何队伍来说这都是不可多得的优势。
FW started the game strong with a 6-1 kill lead, plus getting all outer turrets. However a string of uncharacteristic mistakes kept the game close for AHQ. Over aggression lead the usually cool-headed SwordArt into an over-chase that fed Westdoor’s Diana two kills, and Maple was vaporized by Mountain’s Ekko during a dragon fight. Finally during a Baron fight Maple’s Viktor was again caught out and one-shotted by the full damage build Diana, allowing AHQ to clean up the game from there. This game cemented AHQ’s position as the first seed in the playoffs, which allows them to hide their strategies until the finals in LMS’ gauntlet format. AHQ earned a valuable prize considering that teams will likely be competing in the new 5.13 patch.