《英雄联盟》2015 LMS 夏季联赛第三周人物焦点

图、文/英雄联盟官方提供 LMS Spotlight ( 原名数据分析 ) 是 Garena 赛事部规划的新单元由赛评 Clement 主编,内容以中英文对照的方式呈现。除了让台港澳观众更详细地了解赛事动向,我们也致力于提供平台让外国社群了解 LMS 联赛。LMS Spotlight is a new segement from Garena. We aim to provide our viewers with an in-depth look into the games, while also letting those outside the region better understand LMS. Content is edited by our color caster Clement on a weekly basis.

1. 第三周战绩排行  Week 3 Standings

大量的选手调度是本周赛事的最大特色。AS 将 Zonda 调到了打野位、让 Maplesnow 来到了上路线,并使 Achie 来到了他擅长的中路,AS 团队凝结力借此提升到了另一个档次。联赛第二周 Achie 曾短暂地待在打野位,但第一周 Achie 担任中路时,他的伤害贡献高达 52%,超过了团队一半的数值。闪电狼选择回到他们的必胜阵容,将 Steak 与 Karsa 调回了旧岗位。正处于磨合期的 TPA 换上了会说韩语的新辅助 Yue,期待能有新的化学效应发生。

Week 3 featured a fresh round of rosters changes. Assassin Sniper have likely solidified their lineup by playing Zonda in the jungler and having Maplesnow come to top lane, while moving their star player in Achie back to mid. Achie contributed over half of the team’s damage in week 1 at 52% damage share when playing mid. Flash Wolves switched back to their winning formula from the spring season by fielding Steak and Karsa. TPA experimented with team chemistry by swapping Yue, a Korean speaker, to pilot the lane along with Lupin.

FW 叉烧:「看到哪一支队伍获胜,我都不再意外。」FW FluidWind: “I’m not surprised to see any team win against anyone else anymore.”

MSE祭出了非正统的换线方式,让防不胜防的 Mac 苦吞两败,这象征了 MSE 在战略思维上的成长。AS 在排行榜上急起直追,以 2-0 的战绩为后辈上了一课。HKE 打出了本季最大的巴龙逆转战,而下一场 FW 便回复了原有的实力、拿下一胜。「勒布朗」则如胜利女神掌握着 LGS 与 Mac 的命运 ,Breaker 与 Republic 之间谁能驾驭女神、谁就能主导比赛风向。ahq 稳踞宝座,他们击败了 LGS,并轻松地破解了 MSE 的逆 EU 战术。

MSE emerged as the biggest climber by handing Mac a pair of losses, shocking the inexperienced team with an unorthodox lane swap. AS also moved ahead with a 2-0 win over TPA, proving the old guard superior over the new iteration of assassins. Flash Wolves finished strong to tie their series after managing the largest Baron throw seen this season. LeBlanc decided the series between LGS with MAC with strong performances from LGS Breaker and MAC Republic. Staying above the fray, AHQ remain uncontested in their throne, trampling over LGS and countering MSE’s dive heavy lane swap strategy with ease.

2. Meta 动向   Meta Watch 上周 RD 与 Dee 拿到克黎思妲时的表现让人记忆犹新,本周所有队伍有志一同地不给这位传奇战士任何复仇的机会,在 12 场比赛中,克黎思妲被封锁了 12 次,于是另一群 ADC 又重新站上舞台。AN 用泛追猎 MSE、RD 拿出了上季常用的寇格魔搭配娜米,而 BeBe 则是第一位让艾希站上 LMS 舞台的选手。

The defining trend this week is the complete lockdown of the Kalista. With RD’s and Dee’s dominating performance fresh on everyone’s memory, Kalista was banned 12 out 12 games. A new crop of AD carries were selected to take over the carry role. AHQ’s AN chose Vayne to hunt down MSE, RD went back to his comfort pick on Kog’Maw to bury Machi, while BeBe became the first Ashe player this season.

AN:「[这个 Dee]极神。」AN on Dee as a Marksman: “Very Godly.”

被从禁用名单释出后,维克特的岀场率惊人。「机械使徒」有极具威胁性的爆发伤害和团战输出,这使他取代了科加斯,成为游戏晚期中路角的热门人选。Chawy 钻研维克特已有一段时间,拿到这只角色后造成的伤害量不容小觑。然而,科技魔法的试验仍是失败了,维克特登场 5 次却未拿下任何一胜。缺乏位移技能使他在支援上总是较勒布朗与飞斯来得迟缓;此外,LMS 队伍倾向于用路西恩搭配维克特,然而相较起来,有长距离输出的角色如伊泽瑞尔或库奇,更能利用拉打发挥出维克特在区域控制上的威力

Viktor stormed back into the rift this week after a long hiatus due to bug issues. The Machine Herald packs a unique kit of burst damage and teamfight prowess, often replacing Cho’Gath as a better late game option in bruiser compositions. TPA’s Chawy, the league’s premier Viktor player, had a valiant effort on the champion. But overall the Viktor experiment has failed. With 0 wins in 5 tries. The main issue lies with a lack of mobility to follow the opponent mid laner, and perhaps teams not attempting to match a long range carry threat to make the most use of Viktor’s zone control.

记得:「就算在 TPA 的低潮期,Chawy 依旧表现得相当稳定。」Mr. Remember: “Even in TPA’s declining state, Chawy has still remained a rock in the mid lane. ”

万变不离其宗,自 S4 以来茂凯就是上路最可靠的选择。LMS 众多选手之中,唯有 Ziv 达到人树一体的境界,他利用飞叶盾影闪躲对手技能的身手常存我心。而雷兹在 5.10 版本的崛起,是否会让 Ziv 不再专情于这只角色?自春季冠军赛以来,ahq 将首度与闪电狼交手,一切有待下周见分晓。

The more things change, the more things stay the same. Maokai has been a staple top lane pick in the meta since late S4. No player is more adept on the tree than AHQ’s Ziv, who is constantly dodging skill shots with Twisted Advance. Can Ziv stay on the tree when 5.10 unleashes Ryze on the rift? Stay tuned for week 4 as AHQ and FW collide for a Spring Finals rematch.

Ziv:「茂凯是我非常擅长的英雄之一,队友还叫我不要再练了。」Ziv: “Maokai is one of my best champions, the team has even asked me to stop practicing him.”

3. 本周之星 Player of the Week

从「蓝伊泽问世以来,BeBe 的创造力就受到了肯定,这次,他毫不犹豫地选下了「冰霜皇后」。近期吉茵珂丝遭到 nerf、克黎思妲被大量地封锁,重制后的艾希如今有了足量伤害,加上功能性极高的技能组,这使艾希成为了不错的选择。艾希在 BeBe 的操作下有高达 75% 的大绝命中率,而 BeBe 的胆识让原先敬陪末座的 AS 打败了上周排位第三的 TPA,这也是我们欣赏他的原因。

Always looked upon as the most creative of AD carries, Bebe didn’t hesitate to pick the Frost Queen archer this week. With Jinx receiving consecutive nerfs and Kalista being banned out, Ashe has emerged in the meta as a solid damage option for AD carries while also providing tons of utility. BeBe’s Ashe is especially deadly, connecting on a whopping 75% of his Enchanted Crystal Arrows. BeBe is our best player of the week for leading his 8th place team over the 3rd place TPA.

BeBe:「我们在赛前有做过沟通,如果丢到就开、没丢到那就再等,反正冰箭 CD 时间很短。不过没中的时候他们还是会 ping 我问号。」BeBe: “If I hit the Arrow we’d go in, if I missed we’d wait, the cooldown isn’t very long. My teammates still pinged me question marks when I missed though.”

4. 焦点赛事 Game of the Week

AS vs. TPA Game 1

「爱情猎人法洛士与艾希狙击的不是心、而是人头。BeBe 提到,他将不浪费任何能够发射水晶箭的机会,而他的准头也没让队友失望。最令人印象深刻的昰 26:46 的一发中距离突击,Achie 趁着水晶箭的晕眩击杀中路守塔的 Chawy。9 中8 的冰箭命中率与良好的游戏步调成就了这场比赛,而 AS 选手的表现渐入佳境,他们势必为联赛排位再带来冲击。

Both clad in Valentine garb, Achie’s Varus and BeBe’s Ashe rained death rather than chocolates upon their former team. BeBe was explicitly told to fire off his ult whenever his cooldown was up, and he did not disappoint. The most memorable clip happens at 26:46, when Achie follow-ups on a BeBe arrow from downtown to snipe Chawy. The combination of archery and fast game pace makes this game very enjoyable.

AS vs TPA is our GotW for showing us an emerging force in Assassin Snipers. Not only did their marksmen play well, the supporting cast of Weiiii and Zonda also showed smart and calm play. Top laner Maplesnow was finally unleashed to fend off TPA’s Morning, even netting a 1v2 early. With their roster finally stabilized, AS is looking to make a surge in the standings.