用词不当惹议!佩佩猪爆性别歧视 伦敦消防局批:让女孩拒当消防员

英国佩佩猪用词被指歧视。(图/翻摄自YouTube/Dancing Kids TV)



Come on @peppapig, we’ve not been firemen for 30 years. You have a huge influence on kids & using out of date stereotypical gender specific wording prevents young girls from becoming firefighters. Join our #Firefightingsexism campaign https://t.co/IRjLtqolEl


Great to have another supporter in our #FirefightingSexism campaign. Welcome Barbie! She's coming to the rescue, helping girls & boys to imagine everything they can become by joining the Brigade, in our new gold kit too. pic.twitter.com/sR77H2N1tH


不过有人在推特上反驳,「粉红猪小妹」的故事书中,不是只有男性担任消防员,该集还有妈妈消防队。英国名嘴专栏作家、《英国也有大明星》等著名节目主持人皮尔斯摩根(Piers Morgan)也讽刺表示,「如果因为卡通用语就不愿意当消防员,那我礼貌性地说,或许女生根本不知道如何灭火,也不适合当消防员。」

If women are being 'put off' joining the fire service because Fireman Sam - A CARTOON CHARACTER - supposedly 'perpetuates male stereotypes' then can I politely suggest these women probably don't have what it takes to fight fires. pic.twitter.com/YEZXZtDQ0J

事实上过去有许多英文单字,都充满了性别不平等的暗示,如policeman(警察)、mailman(邮差)、chairman(主席)、housewife(家庭主妇)等,现在也都建议改用较为中性的police officer(警察)、mail carrier(邮差)、chair person(主席)、homemaker(家庭主妇),才能更合时宜,也更有礼。

Well we've sparked a lot of debate. We challenge outdated language for girls like Grace who get told they can't become firefighters because 'firefighters are men'. Hopefully it won't take another 30 years for people to accept that we're all firefighters https://t.co/uIdFmwRGWU pic.twitter.com/3V0plYEuSy