另类汉堡店「花钱买罪受」 嘴贱女服务生狂呛客人
▲主打「汉堡美味、服务恶劣」的特殊餐厅。(图/翻摄Ed Debevic’s)
服务业讲求的是「以客为尊」,不过美国芝加哥一间名为Ed Debevic’s的餐厅反其道而行,主打「汉堡美味、服务恶劣」(Sassy Servers, Tassty Burgers),让客人饱尝店员冷潮热讽的乐趣。日前当地一个家庭前往踢馆,还将女服务生「尽责」的嘴贱对话全录了下来,意外吸引超过460万人点阅。
芝加哥当地有个家庭日前决定前往Ed Debevic’s踢馆,不过女服生Cherry可不是省油的灯,她彻底展现餐厅「Sassy」的职业精神,傲慢、无礼、不耐烦的态度让人看了大呼过瘾!
▼部落客B.C. & Lowy中文翻译版。
While at the Younique Convention we wanted to get some lunch one day and heard about this "interesting" restaurant. So here we are having lunch at Ed Debevic's in Chicago--known for its "rudeness." It is hilarious. Here is our waitress. She would probably be fired if she was caught being nice. Jukin Media Verified (Original)* For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom