赛格威写信感谢猿迷 2017年意义重大、感谢转队的体谅






赛格威说:「谢谢你们,我有了许多难忘的回忆,其中包括春训屏东和球迷在球场上传接球,还有和Mrs. Everywhere在日本,屏东。台中,当然还有在桃园合照。相信我,我完完全全享受你们的加油声,还有你们在场边所流露出来深刻情感。」

对于转队一事,赛格威也说:「场边的啦啦队Lami Girls,中坜夜市附近的网球小子,数不尽的点点滴滴,还有和你们共度2017屡破纪录的球季,这对我意义重大。我家人和我都很喜爱你们身为Lamigo球迷的每一部份。谢谢你们捎来的话语,支持,和鼓励,也谢谢你们对于我在2018新球季的抉择时刻,展现的耐心和体谅。2017球季实在是太棒了。」




写给桃猿10号队友的全文如下:「Lamigo Fan Letter致十号队友

I just wanted to write and let the Lamigo #10 know I truly appreciate and am very grateful for the wonderful 2017 they provided. Thank you I have many unforgettable memories from playing catch in pingtung with fans on field to taking pictures with mrs everywhere from pingtung to Japan to Taichung and of course Taoyuan.

Believe me I fully enjoyed the cheers and huge outpouring of emotions and I did my best at all times to reciprocate it for our team. Truly #10 has a very special place in my heart from the jiao lady in stands to the tennis guy near my zhongli nightmarket the experiences are endless and to have been able to share such a record breaking season means a lot to me.

My family and I enjoyed every bit and aspect of representing the amazing lamigo fans thank you for the kind words of support and encouragement the entire time and being so patient and understanding during this difficult and very trying time of deciding what the future holds for the 2018 season.

The 2017 season was awesome and I am so grateful to Jesus Christ for every single blessing that was given to me this year because without him with me, none of that is possible.

I enjoyed everything from being woa sho Jiangx fea to telling everyone I'm a gangster and don't touch shoulder and don't even get me started on my night market fun was all because of the great relationships I experienced of the 2017 Golden Champion Lamigo team from #2 all the way to #99 but special recognition for #10.

我写这封信是想要让Lamigo的十号队友们知道和你们一起度过的2017美好球季,我相当心怀感激。谢谢你们,我有了许多难忘的回忆,其中包括春训在屏东和球迷在球场上玩传接球,还有和Mrs. Everywhere在日本,屏东。台中,当然还有在桃园合照。相信我,我完完全全享受你们的加油声,还有你们在场边所流露出来深刻情感。

为此,我总是为了球队,尽我的全力表现来报答你们的热情。的确,十号队友在我心中占有重要的一席之地。场边的啦啦队Lami Girls,中坜夜市附近的网球小子,数不尽的点点滴滴,还有和你们共度2017屡破纪录的球季,这对我意义重大。我家人和我都很喜爱你们身为Lamigo球迷的每一部份。



Thank you for the memories amazing season and I wish all my now former teammates and lamigo staff best of luck in not only 2018 but beyond as well . I'm so sorry I could only get us a tie in the staff games ( guess I'm not ready to manage)


Thanks again for the understanding and knowing that #10 made this decision one of the hardest I've ever made and really appreciate the support and look forward to seeing everyone in Taiwan again very soon.


Ps # 1 was so quiet that's why I forgot him haha just kidding he had the locker next to me and sat in front of me on the bus we are basically brothers both of Mexican heritage.

Ps 我忘了提到1号(叶竹轩)因为他太安静了,哈哈。开玩笑的啦。他的休息室置物柜就在我的旁边,而且搭队巴的时候也大多坐在我前面的位置。我们基本上也算是兄弟,因为我们都有墨西哥的渊源。

Thanks again And have a blessed day!


Zack Segovia #40

赛格威 背号40号」
