

宏达电、Google 双方共同宣布签署合作协议,将原参与打造第一代Google Pixel手机的HTC成员全数加入Google,双方交易金额约 11 亿美元,而在这同时,宏达电董事长王雪红亲自招开员工大会,会中向员工说明双方合作细节,同时也强调 HTC 精神不变,该项交易预计2018年年初完成。

宏达电董事长王雪红指出,Google 与HTC合作长达十年之久,而这次签署合作协议后,「Powered by HTC」 的员工将会改变所服务公司单位进入 Google 公司,但 HTC 与 Google 跟其他合作伙伴关系不变。

换句话说,在王雪红这份声明中已经说得很清楚,「HTC」并没有100%卖掉,事实上,内部已经在积极准备HTC最新一代的旗舰手机,所有产品售后服务也不会有任何变化,而在 VR 领域,HTC 将继续构建虚拟实境生态系统,发展VIVE版图。同时,HTC 也将更专注地加强投资 IoT、VR、AR 和 AI 等新一代技术


HTC伙伴们,大家好!在过去两年里,我们非常努力规划HTC 的未来,除专注于创新设计尖端技术的发展外,并竭尽所能打造世界一流的产品,这就是我们 HTC自成立以来一致的核心价值。在几分钟前,我们再度跨进重要的一步,HTC与 Google共同签订总价达11亿美元的合作协议,这份协议不仅让我们与Google有更深厚的策略合作关系,也为我们未来的创新及产品发展注入更强的动能。大家都知道,Google 与HTC合作长达十年之久,这是建立在HTC领先业界的创新研发和陆续推出令世人惊艳的智慧型手机的专业能力的基础之上。HTC 与Google携手在Android阵营的发展历程中创下许多的世界第一,包括2008年推出全球第一款Android智慧型手机HTC Dream (G1)、2010年推出Nexus One (G2)、2014年推出的Nexus 9 tablet,,以及去年推出的全球首款Pixel智慧型手机。今天我很高兴的宣布,我们与 Google签订了一项具有里程碑的最佳见证,即使部分同仁将会改变所服务的公司单位,但不变的是我们与Google 及其他合作伙伴所坚信的承诺,那就是创造出满足全球消费者期盼的顶尖科技产品。我们在两年多前成立的「Powered by HTC」团队,为Google 等合作伙伴提供特定产品设计开发的资源.根据此协议,与 Google 合作开发Pixel产品的「Powered by HTC」 伙伴们将加入 Google这个家庭。我们在Pixel产品的设计上赢得相当好的风评,Google非常期盼邀请精通Pixel的「Powered by HTC」团队加入Google。同时,HTC也将其智慧财产权专属授权予Google使用。HTC 长期以来致力于自有品牌手机业务,今年上半年已成功推出广受媒体和消费大众好评的旗舰产品 HTC U11,同时很多同仁现在也已开始积极准备HTC最新一代的旗舰手机。这个协议将有助于强化 HTC 持续发展其自有品牌手机的策略,聚焦精实产品组合、透过更高的经营效率财务弹性。HTC 将继续构建虚拟实境生态系统,发展VIVE版图。同时,HTC 也将更专注地加强投资 IoT、VR、AR 和 AI 等新一代技术。「追寻卓越 止于至善」是HTC自成立来一致的理念,我相信我们掌握正确的策略、拥有世界级的一流人才及坚持创新的优良传统,将会带领HTC 迎来下一阶段的发展。展望未来,我对我们所拥有的创新、研发及系统整合制造之核心力量充满信心,在结合强大的智财权组合后,我们一步步稳健的打下成功的基础。对于 Google 而言,这次的协议进一步展现Google 对智慧型手机的投入,以及其积极发展硬体产品的决心。除了邀请到资深人才加入该团队之外,HTC智慧财产权非专属授权予Google使用。过去数月,我有机会与 Google 硬体资深副总裁 Rick Osterloh 和其团队紧密合作,我很兴奋的告诉各位,此协议代表了Google对台湾这样的科技与创新中心的重要投资,同时也是对我们过去二十年中积累的创新研发和尖端科技的最佳见证,我们为此引以为豪。我知道 Google 非常期盼与热烈欢迎「Powered by HTC」团队的生力军,我们也为即将加入 Google 的同仁感到高兴。「Powered by HTC」团队将继续担任未来打造Android生态系统与扩展 Google 硬体业务的主力。在交易完成前各位同仁现阶段各项工作仍将继续进行,我们预计在2018年年初完成交易,我会持续与大家分享更多资讯。在相关工作完成之前,各位仍将是HTC的员工,与你们现有团队一起继续推进你们当前的工作,与Google的沟通也和以往一样。在今年下半年的时间里,我们还有很多工作需要完成,这也是为什么我们必须 100% 专注于我们的职责,进而确保实现我们共同的目标。最后我要再次感谢各位同仁与家庭为 HTC 作出之贡献,在全球各个办公室的每个角落都能看到同仁们努力不懈,我们所创造的优异产品正是你们付出辛劳的最好见证,我很期待与大家一起迈向更美好的未来。王雪红董事长

Hi Team HTC,Over the last two years, we’ve been working hard to position HTC for the future, focusing on delivering the innovation and technology that defines HTC and devoting the necessary resources to create great products. A few minutes ago, we took a major step towards that goal by entering into a US$1.1 billion cooperation agreement with Google to fuel even more innovation and future product development in consumer hardware.As you know, we have a decade-long strategic relationship with Google built on our industry-leading innovation and the development of premium smartphones. We have achieved several industry firsts throughout the history of Android, including the HTC Dream (G1), the first Android phone, in 2008; Nexus One (G2) in 2010; the Nexus 9 tablet in 2014; and the first Pixel phone last year.Today’s announcement is a testament to our ongoing relationship. While the agreement will change the way some of us work and the company we work for, it does not change the commitment we share with Google – and our other partners – to develop the high quality products expected of us by consumers around the world. Under the agreement, the Powered by HTC teams that are already working with Google to develop Pixel smartphones will join Google. Powered by HTC is a team we established two years ago to devote specific product development resources to partners like Google. As a result of our successful collaboration on Pixel, Google will bring on board the Powered by HTC employees, a talented team which is already well-versed in Pixel, to support Pixel smartphones. Separately, Google will receive a non-exclusive license for HTC intellectual property (IP).We remain fully committed to our branded smartphone business. We have already started working on our next flagship smartphone following the launch of the remarkable HTC U11 earlier this year. This agreement supports our smartphone strategy, enabling a more streamlined product portfolio, greater operational efficiency and financial flexibility. We will also continue to build out the virtual reality ecosystem to grow the VIVE business, while investing in other next-generation technologies, including IoT, AR and AI.Our Pursuit of Brilliance is never-ending and I believe we have the right strategy, world-class talent and a heritage of innovation that will drive HTC’s next stage of growth. As we look ahead, I am confident that our core strengths of innovation, engineering and system integration, combined with our strong IP portfolio, will continue to be the foundation for our success.For Google, this agreement further exemplifies its dedication to smartphones, strengthening its hardware business. In addition to the talented and experienced team of professionals, Google will continue to have access to HTC’s IP to support the Pixel smartphone family.Over the past several months, I have had the opportunity to work closely with Rick Osterloh, Google’s Senior Vice President of Hardware, and his team at Google, and I can assure you that this agreement represents a substantial investment in Taiwan as a key innovation and engineering hub. We should all be proud – this is a true testament to the engineering and innovation powerhouse that we have built over the last twenty years. I know Google is thrilled to welcome the Powered by HTC team and we are excited for our colleagues who will be joining the Google family. This team will continue to play a key role in building the Android ecosystem and expanding Google’s hardware business. I look forward to sharing more information with you over the coming weeks. In the meantime, it remains business as usual until the transaction is completed, which we expect to happen in early 2018. Prior to then, it means we all remain HTC employees and nothing changes in the way we work and communicate with Google. We have an ambitious agenda for the remainder of the year and need to stay 100% focused on our day-to-day responsibilities. As always, I deeply appreciate your hard work and dedication to HTC that I see every day in our offices around the world, and that are reflected in all of our innovative products, and I am excited about what the future holds for us.Best regards,CherCher WangChairwoman and CEO