「蜘蛛人」「奇异博士」漫画之父过世 享耆寿90岁

▲ 创造「蜘蛛人」的漫画家迪特科享耆寿90岁。(图/达志影像美联社


创造漫威漫画(Marvel Comics)人气英雄「蜘蛛人」与「奇异博士」的漫画家迪特科(Steve Ditko)于纽约曼哈顿住宅过世,享耆寿90岁。据BBC报导,警方6月29日发现他在家中没有了生命迹象。广大粉丝英国著名科幻作家尼尔.盖曼(Neil Gaiman)等均表达哀悼之情。

迪特科于1962年与「漫威之父」史丹.李(Stan Lee)共同将本名为彼得.帕克(Peter Parker)的「蜘蛛人」介绍给世人。随着「奇异博士」等超级英雄出现,迪特科逐渐成名。报导指出,「一位拥有蜘蛛超能力青少年英雄人物」是史丹.李的构想,不过蜘蛛人著名的红、蓝装束还有配戴在手腕上的发射器则是迪特科所创造。

Steve Ditko was more than just an artist & a writer, he was a hero. He inspired the world with his work, helping create one of the greatest superheroes ever made, and quite possibly, the greatest fictional character of all time. I'll miss you Steve, thank you for everything... pic.twitter.com/QFwmkN2ZJn

Steve Ditko was true to his own ideals. He saw things his own way, and he gave us ways of seeing that were unique. Often copied. Never equalled. I know I'm a different person because he was in the world. pic.twitter.com/2GFSA86Btj

迪特科于1966年离开漫威,并到DC漫画公司(DC Comics)任职,期间创造了「爬行者」(The Creeper)、「战鹰白鸽」(Hawk & Dove)等角色。据说,迪特科是与史丹.李发生争执后才选择离开。不过,他还是决定于1979年回到漫威。

迪特科于1990年进入杰克.科比(Jack Kirby)名人堂,也于1994年获选艾斯纳奖(Will Eisner Award)名人堂。此外,英国知名主持人强纳森罗斯(Jonathan Ross)形容,迪特科是「史上最伟大的漫画艺术家创造者」。

Steve Ditko was one of the most amazing creators in the history of comics, and showed us there is a hero in all of us. Our hearts go out to his loved ones, and everyone who knew him. pic.twitter.com/ukvuA7odF5
