

「黄色小鸭,快乐基隆」前总策划范可钦曾驳斥,合约并无注明不能在基隆小鸭展馆卖其他款小鸭公仔,且询问霍夫曼之前小鸭在大陆香港桃园展出时,当地贩售非霍夫曼设计的产品,为何没采取行动,霍支吾回应。对此质疑,霍夫曼团队指出:「范可钦在大陆时认识霍夫曼,当时他提出要大量创做相关商品,就已经遭到霍夫曼本人清楚且大声地拒绝。」▲范可钦出面杠霍夫曼。(图/取自东森新闻)霍夫曼团队指出,范可钦于六个月前开始参与基隆黄色小鸭策画团队,一开始范便因为想大量贩卖商品而询问过霍夫曼本人,没料到遭受拒绝后,范反而以迂回方式继续制作,霍夫曼团队指出,「合约内容承诺,不应有其他商业活动行为,必须立即停止。」「范可钦在未经授权状况下,用廉价和丑陋的方式制造了商品。」霍夫曼团队指出,范可钦的种种恶劣行为,加上其发表的谈话内容不断「暗箭伤人」,令人愤怒。此外,对于范可钦的种种不实指控,霍夫曼团队表示,目前已经请求法律专员调查相关违约证明,将会采取后续行动。霍夫曼信件全文如下:The signed pledge on top opt that , done because of the recent situation says exactly why Mr. Fan is not allowed to have any commercial activities.Please ask our commissioner for this written pledge and the the points they are violating right now.

Mr. Fan is partly responsible of creating this commercial circus around the rubber duck art work in Keelung!Mr. Fan was from the beginning (around 6 months ago) involved already.Together with our commissioner they met Mr. Hofman in China to speak about the souvenirs.Mr. Fan wanted to create a lot of merchandise and buy us out for authorization.

Mr. Hofman didn't approve and told them then loud and clear he was against all this merchandise they proposed!In this sense it is a stab in the back, not cooperating with us and our other original souvenirs.Choosing the way of going around Mr. Hofman and his strict rules making a lot of unauthorized by Mr. Hofman; cheap and ugly money win merchandise.

Our legal advisor and his team tell us our commissioner is violating this signed pledge and contract on several points.As signed in the pledge they have to stop all commercial activities.Our commissioner must perform what they exactly signed in the pledge and contract for.

Mr. Fan nor anyone connected to the commissioner have rights and privileges in the selling any merchandise and should stop directly.Our legal advisor and his team are still investigating on the exact size and impact of the commercial activities and violations.