GDC2014 智能手机&平板电脑游戏峰会首日安排



9:15-12:25 | 13:45-18:15

3F /黄河厅

Sunday, October 19

9:15-12:25 | 13:45-18:15

Yellow River Hall, 3F



Charlie Moseley, 创意总监 | Tap4Fun

是什么原因导致在中国开发的95%的游戏产品海外无法获得认可?在本演讲中,在海外最成功的中国游戏开发商之一Tap4Fun的创意总监Charlie Moseley,将讲述如何从中国开启全球游戏市场奥秘。从游戏设计与开发,到本地化及市场营销,这将是一次全面而深刻的要素综述助力中国游戏产品跨越文化鸿沟,展现于世界舞台


Unlocking World Game Markets from China

Charlie Moseley, Creative Director | Tap4Fun

What make 95% of games developed in China unable to find success overseas? Learn the secret to unlocking worldwide markets from China in this session delivered by the Creative Director of one of China’s most successful game developers, Tap4Fun. From game design and production, to localization and marketing, this is a comprehensive overview of the necessary ingredients you’ll need to overcome China’s cultural borders and take on the world.


纪念碑谷》(Monument Valley)——留给我们的心灵感悟

Ken Wong, 主设计师 | ustwo



我们欣喜地看到尽管《纪念碑谷》(Monument Valley)几乎打破了移动游戏设计的每个传统,但仍广受业界好评,并获得了巨大的商业成功。我们没有料到的是,这个游戏创建了如此强大的情感和智力联系,尤其和那些一般不玩游戏的人。这促使我们再度审视移动游戏作为一个独特的叙事、价值和艺术媒介的潜力。


Keynote: Monument Valley, and What We Leave In Hearts and Minds

Ken Wong, Lead Designer | ustwo

Mobile game creators now face an opportunity to create not just cheap disposable entertainment, but meaningful experiences that can affect the lives of millions.

Today we have better tools, more choice in economic models and more diverse audiences than any other time in video game history. Development of our artistry, however, lags behind. With all our power, what are we doing to bring more joy, beauty and ideas into the world? When the player stops playing, what have we left in their hearts and minds?

We were delighted when Monument Valley became a critical and commercial success despite breaking almost every convention in mobile game design. What we didn’t expect was for the game to create such a powerful emotional and intellectual connection especially with people who don’t normally play games. This prompted us to reexamine the potential of mobile games as a unique medium for story, meaning and art.



耿炜伟, 资深产品总监 | Kabam, Inc.

在拥挤的应用程序商店市场中,手机游戏会轻易地淡出视线,成为无尽的作品库中的一员。Kabam的耿炜伟将探讨如何才能制作出一款优秀的手机游戏,并维持长期的成功。Kabam最成功的手机游戏《霍比特人:中土王国》(The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth)和《亚瑟王国:北方之战》(Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North)自2012年推出以来,营收均超1亿美元。作为这两个游戏的资深产品总监,耿炜伟将分享他从中获取的知识和见解。


Building Durable Mobile Franchises for the Western Market

Weiwei Geng, Executive Producer | Kabam, Inc.

In a crowded App Store market, where mobile games can easily fade into an endless library of titles, Kabam's Weiwei Geng will discuss what it takes to build a great mobile game and maintain it for long-term success. Weiwei lends his knowledge and insight as an executive producer of Kabam's most successful mobile games The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth and Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North, which have each grossed more than $100 million since their 2012 debuts.



鲍嵬伟, 首席执行官 | 椰岛游戏工作室

全面介绍《决战喵星》(Naughty Kitties)的研发过程,小型独立团队如何开发出中国App Store排名第一,欧美日排名前25的iOS游戏。我们是如何从轻度休闲游戏研发商转型为Freemium中度游戏的研发,如何保既持游戏的创新性又不失盈利性,展示这个过程中我们所作出的妥协、坚持以及不足之处。


Naughy Kitties Postmortem: Making Breakthroughs from Compromises

Wesley Bao, CEO | Coconut Island Studio

This session will share a thorough introduction on the developing process of Naughty Kitties and the way to develop No.1 iOS game in China App Store by the indie developer, which also ranks Top 25 in the US and Japan Stores. How we achieve the transition from casual game developer to mid-core F2P game developer, and how we preserve the innovation of games and meanwhile make them profitable will be explained. Wesley will reveal the compromises, the persistence and the shortcomings they have made during the development.



王昊苏, 《雷霆战机》运营经理 | 腾讯游戏

孙强, 首席技术官 | 北京爱乐



Setting Sail and Heading for Oceans of Stars: Development and Operation Sharing of Thunder Fighter

Jacques Wang, Operation Manager of Thunder Fighter | Tencent Games

Qiang Sun, CTO | 5agame

How has a simple flight shooting game gathered hundreds of millions of users, and ranked among the top ten in global iOS game revenue list for two consecutive months? This talk will introduce the game design concept and principles of Thunder Fighter, and its evolution from a single-player game to a multi-player online game. It will also present how to combine the game with Tencent’s social relationship, how to conduct the marketing promotion, and summarize the stable operation experience of Thunder Fighter.



魏骁,首席技术官和联合创始人 | 成都风际网络科技有限公司



Three Swordsmen: Lighting Workflow and Production Pipeline

Xiao Wei, CTO & Co-founder    | Wind Play

With the rapid improvement of mobile platform hardware performance, the performance obstacles of high-quality 3D game spread have been gradually cleared away. This talk will share some rendering techniques introduced into the Three Swordsmen but rarely used by the traditional mobile games. We will present, during the production process, how the technique and art combined to achieve the best balance of effectiveness and efficiency on a performance limited mobile platform, and highlight the Three Swordsmen's lighting workflow, construction and optimization techniques in pipeline production,  as well as the experience of introducing physics-based lighting on a mobile platform.



徐辉,高级副总裁和联合创始人 | 乐元素游戏



Viewing the Casual Game Production through Anipop

Rony Xu, Senior Vice President and Co-founder | Happy Elements

Design and production of casual games have huge differences with traditional core games, especially reflected in the design philosophy, art visual effect settings, core experience polishing and etc. Rony Xu from Happy Elements will introduce the design and production process of Anipop to share the company’s understanding on casual game design elements, summarize the core user experience key points of the casual games, and share the level design principals of the level casual games through actual operational data.