Kobe爱妻拒绝接受两挚爱离世 悲痛又愤怒:Gigi原本还有很长的人生



湖人传奇布莱恩(Kobe Bryant)与二女儿吉安娜(Gianna Bryant)坠机骤逝过了2周,Kobe的妻子凡妮莎(Vanessa Bryant)至今仍无法接受两位挚爱的亲人已离世,她11日在个人IG分享Gigi在场上打球的影片,她悲痛表示每天醒来都在想着,为何宝贝女儿再也无法醒来,「我很愤怒,她原本还有很长的一段人生。」

I’ve been reluctant to put my feelings into words. My brain refuses to accept that both Kobe and Gigi are gone. I can’t process both at the same time. It’s like I’m trying to process Kobe being gone but my body refuses to accept my Gigi will never come back to me. It feels wrong. Why should I be able to wake up another day when my baby girl isn’t being able to have that opportunity?! I’m so mad. She had so much life to live. Then I realize I need to be strong and be here for my 3 daughters. Mad I’m not with Kobe and Gigi but thankful I’m here with Natalia, Bianka and Capri. I know what I’m feeling is normal. It’s part of the grieving process. I just wanted to share in case there’s anyone out there that’s experienced a loss like this. God I wish they were here and this nightmare would be over. Praying for all of the victims of this horrible tragedy. Please continue to pray for all.

Vanessa Bryant (@vanessabryant)分享的贴文 于 PST 2020 年 2月 月 10 日 上午 11:14 张贴




凡妮莎2天前曾分享7个月大的小女儿卡普里(Capri Bryant)试着站起来的影片,「她看起来就像我的Gigi,还有一双爸爸眼睛。」表达对丈夫和二女儿的深深思念


My Koko Bean. She looks just like my Gigi with her daddy’s eyes. auntie Ri-Ri. #7months

Vanessa Bryant (@vanessabryant)分享的贴文 于 PST 2020 年 2月 月 8 日 上午 10:01 张贴