孙燕姿新歌曝光! 老公写下长文放闪「敬仰我的妻子」
睽违3年多,天后孙燕姿的第13号作品《孙燕姿No. 13作品:跳舞的梵谷》,MV中,孙燕姿扮成红衣小女孩,一连拍摄20小时,吃足苦头。此外,孙燕姿老公也在脸书写下长文,大赞老婆优秀。
My wife has been busy with her new album lately and this song is the first one being released from it.A lot of people believe that getting songs out there is a simple exercise. The industry part of the music business sometimes fosters this with the rate at which it churns out noise and pricing models that perpetuate the commoditisation of music content.I’ve always admired my wife for taking the time to release her creations. I’m privileged to see an artist at work that strives to birth a creative vision, often driven by nothing more than the simple belief that it should be out there in the world. If you want to see leadership in action, watch how an artist leads not only herself, but a team of people to build that vision, based on nothing but that belief. It’s amazing to see years of dedication and sacrifice, conflict and resolution, distilled into a few minutes of song that is true to the artist’s vision.Is it worthy of merit? Who knows. In some ways, the artist is not responsible for the type of emotion you have to their creative pursuit, but that you at least have one in the first place. If it makes you feel something, then in many ways she’s done her creative duty. For me, that is pride in my wife’s belief and accomplishment. For you, that might be different.Of course, I can't speak for her or about her thoughts around this album and what it means. Only the artist can do that, if she so wishes to.In the meantime, listen and enjoy!