勇士3冠功臣李文斯顿宣布退休 没被毁灭膝伤击倒「最骄傲坚持下去」
今夏被勇士释出的3冠替补功臣李文斯顿(Shaun Livingston)13日晚间透过个人IG宣布退休,结束14年NBA生涯。这位34岁老将回首自己的生涯,他提到2007年那「毁灭性」膝伤给了他找寻并证明自己的机会,他感到最骄傲的是,即使面临各种考验,他最终都坚持下去。
After 15 years in the NBA, I’m excited, sad, fortunate and grateful all in one breath. Hard to put into a caption all of the emotions it takes to try and accomplish your dreams. I wasn’t supposed to be here. Anybody that has beat the odds understands the mental and emotional strain it takes to inspire yourself on an uphill war, let alone inspire others. “The injury” gave me a chance to find and prove to myself (and the world) that I wouldn’t be defined by my circumstances. With my time in the League what I will be most proud of is the fact that my character, values and faith were tested, and I persevered. To my pops that told me to “go get the big ball” I THANK YOU. To my Grandpa that always showed me there was more to life than basketball I THANK YOU. To my Uncles that helped raise me like I was one of their own, THANK YOU. To my wife and kids...the future IS BRIGHTER than our past, and I couldn’t see myself taking on this chapter without you. To all of my teammates, coaches, TRAINERS, staff, my journey is a collection of experiences, and those of you that helped me along the way, THANK YOU! To all the fans and anybody else that inspired me, supported me, cheered for me, or even said good words about me, THANK YOU. “The greatest gift we can give is service to others” #Raiseaglass
Shaun Livingston(@sdot1414)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 9月 月 13 日 上午 8:30 张贴