海纳百川》台湾错误百出的Hello Kitty英汉辞典(许淳恩、方恩格)


今年3月25日,台湾英文新闻网(Taiwan News)发表了一篇文章,题为「台湾『Hello Kitty』英汉辞典含有70个『极其严重的错误』」;报导了一本充满错误的儿童英汉辞典,其中包括许多英文单词的拼写错误。

这本辞典名为《Hello Kitty 儿童英汉辞典》,由世一文化事业股份有限公司出版。

然而,令我们感到失望但却又不意外的是,今年9月底,当我们拜访了何嘉仁书局,发现这本辞典仍在销售(出版于2022年4月),而且仍然存在着同样的错误。何嘉仁书局内有一句英语口号为「Ideal Books Are the Key to Wisdom (理想的书籍是智慧之钥)」;然而,这本书绝对不符合「理想」的标准。此外,我们发现这本书目前也在纪伊国屋书店(Kinokuniya)贩售,而其他书店也可能有售。









Taiwan’s Error Filled Hello Kitty Bilingual Dictionary

By Hsu Chen-en and Ross Darrell Feingold

Hsu Chun-en is a third-year student at National Chengchi University, majoring in English with a minor in Law. Ross Darrell Feingold is an American lawyer and political risk analyst who has resided in Taipei nearly thirty years.

On March 25 of this year, the news website Taiwan News published an article “Taiwanese 'Hello Kitty' English-Chinese dictionary has 70 'egregious errors'” about a children's Chinese-English dictionary that is filled with errors, such as many words spelled incorrectly in English.

The dictionary, titled "Hello Kitty Children's Illustrated Dictionary" (Hello Kitty 儿童英汉辞典) is printed by ACME Cultural Enterprise Co. (世一文化事业股份有限公司).

At the end of September, we visited a Hess bookstore, and much to our disappointment but not our surprise, the dictionary is still on sale (an edition published in April 2022), and still has the same errors. An English slogan inside to the Hess bookstore is “Ideal Books Are the Key to Wisdom”, though this dictionary is certainly not ideal. The book is also on sale at Kinokuniya, and possibly other book stores.

We called ACME Cultural Enterprise Co. and asked whether they know the dictionary is filled with errors. Their response was that had they been aware of the errors at the time of publication, they would not have sold the dictionary, and they said they would revise the errors in the next edition. The person we spoke with also denied knowing that the errors were previously reported in the media.

We called Hess and asked why they sell a children’s English-Mandarin dictionary that has so many mistakes, especially given that media in March of this year already publicized the errors. Hess declined to answer our questions from independent journalists.

We called the Ministry of Education, and they told us "It is difficult for the Ministry of Education to interfere with publications that contain errors."

We also showed examples of the dictionary’s errors to Dr. June Liu, a professor of English at National Chengchi University who specializes in English language teaching. According to Professor Liu, a dictionary with such errors will “undoubtedly lead children to make continuous mistakes in English learning, which can result in poor English ability or influence their values on the path of seeking knowledge”. Professor Liu also emphasized that “Responsible publishers are supposed to avoid typographical errors, let alone such elementary mistakes. These errors point not to a matter of ability but rather an issue of attitude”.

When Vice President William Lai, the presidential candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party who leads in the polls, previously served as premier, he championed a “2030 Bilingual Nation” policy. We expect that if he becomes president next year, he will once again seek to implement this policy.

If publishers, bookstores, and the Ministry of Education do not have a zerotolerance policy for English language educational materials that are filled with errors, is there any hope for the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy to succeed?