
My friend Jerry was one of the mostpositive people I had ever known. He was always in a good mood and always hadsomething encouraging to say.

我的朋友Jerry 是我认识的朋友之中最乐观的人之一。他总是正能量满满,还总是去鼓励别人也正能量满满。

He was a manager at a restaurant. If hisemployee had a bad day, Jerry always helped him to look on the positive side ofthe situation.


Jerry‘s attitude truly amazed me. So oneday I asked him: „How can you be so positive all the time?“. He replied: „Yousee, every morning I tell myself, that I have two choses for that day – to bein a good mood or in a bad. I choose the good one. And when something wronghappens, I can be sad and angry or I can learn from it instead. I choose tolearn. Thus I choose the positive side of life“. I said: „It is not that easy“.He replied: „Yeas it is. Life is all about choses. You can choose how people orsituation will affect your mood, your life“.


One morning Jerry left the restaurant‘sback door open and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. He tried toopen the safe, but his hands shaked due to nervousness and he slipped off thecombination. So the robbers shot him. Fortunately, Jerry was quickly found andbrought to the nearest hospital. After many hours of surgery and long intensivecare, Jerry was released home.


When I met him, I asked, what were histhoughts durign the robbery. „I thought that I should have locked the backdoor“, he replied. „Then, when I laid on the floor, I remembered about mychoses in this case: a chose to live and a chose to die. I chose to live.“


I asked, if he were scared. Jerrycontinued: „When they wheeled me into emergency room and I looked at the facesof doctors, I got truly scared. I knew, that I need to do something. So whenthe nurse asked me, if I was allergic to anything, I replied „Yes“. Doctors andnurses stopped working as waited for my answer. I took a deep breath and yelled„Bullets“. They started laughing and I asked: „My chose is to live, operate meas I am alive, not dead“.


Now Jerry is alive owing to skills of hisdoctors, however his amazing attitude played an important role too. I learnedfrom him, that every day we should choose to live fully no matter what.
