Legend status • Last year, Ashlynn, a 7-year old from Toronto, was awarded the MVP award from the opposing team during Regional Finals. “After the game,” said her dad, Dan, “[a parent on our team] told me that girls shouldn’t be playing baseball and that they should stick to softball. Then, at tryouts, the coach cut her from the team.” • Our response? Their loss. • In just 10 days, this 8-year old is headed to #BFANationals to join hundreds of girls from North America and abroad to do what they do best: play baseball. • “I don’t think it has ever occurred to Ashlynn that some people think that girls can’t do things that boys can do,” says Dan. • We’re right there with you, Ashlynn—and we’ve got your back • #baseballforall #borntoplay #unstoppable #girlscandoanything #girlsplaybaseballtoo #baseballplayers #girlsinbaseball #naturalathelete #divingcatch #baseballseason #travebaseball #empoweredgirls #strongfemale #supporther #sheplayswewin #girlsinthegame #letherplay #baseballtournament #thefutureisfemale #futureofbaseball @danbaseballdadof6 @jbclac
Baseball For All(@baseballforall)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 21 日 下午 5:37 张贴
女生就只能打垒球吗?北美一名8岁女童艾希琳(Ashlynn Therien)虽然拥有极佳的棒球天赋,但却因为性别而遭到歧视,认为她不能待在男孩子的棒球队里。被赶出球队的艾希琳加入《Baseball for all》这个团体,并在守备练习时展现惊人的守备美技,惊艳了许多人。
对于球队砍掉MVP等级的艾希琳,她的父亲仅说:「这是她们的损失」。并在短短10天之内,将艾希琳送往北美的《Baseball for all》,这是一个专门支持女生打棒球的机构,而这个机构目前有数百名女性在这,从事他们最擅长的事-打棒球。
▲8岁女童艾希琳扑接美技 。(图/截自baseballforall IG)
《Baseball for all》也特别将艾希琳平时守备练习的影片上传,在影片之中,艾希琳多次扑接美技,让场边的观众、家长们惊叹连连。艾希琳的父亲表示,「没有什么事情是男生能做,但女生不能做的」。