
台北市政府不应只被动依赖观光局等中央政府机构来做城市行销,应该采取主动之姿。建议落实「城市外交三不策略」:不出国、不视讯会议、不受外媒采访。图为2022 ITF 台北国际旅展。(摄/景义婷)















After the Local Elections: A Foreign Policy for Local Governments?

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Twitter: @RossFeingold

Bilingual Education. Foreign Tourists. Internationalization. Multinational Corporations Investment. Municipal Diplomacy.

These are some of the buzzwords that candidates for municipal leaders in the recent local election repeat as if they have an international fever that compels them to do more “foreign stuff”. Although many municipal leaders are infected with this fever, the new Taipei City Mayor Wayne Chiang Wan-an might, because Taipei City is the capital, feel compelled to undertake many such initiatives. In reality, these kinds of activities are not why he was elected mayor, so, hopefully Mayor Chiang will focus on the things that need to be done to make Taipei City better on a day-to-day basis and avoid the “international fever”.

In this regard, here is my advice to Mayor Chiang:

1. Recognize the Limits of Municipal Diplomacy: Frankly, this author views most municipal diplomacy initiatives as a waste of time. Videoconferences between Taipei with municipal officials in cities far away to learn how they do something with and is often quantity over quality or attempts by politicians to gain positive overseas media coverage (what is known in Taiwan as "First Export, Then Re-Sell Domestically". By way of example, Taipei City has over 50 sister, partner and other bilateral relationships with cities worldwide. If Mayor Chiang can engage with so many of these sister cities, he would be what Taiwanese call a guy who is a “time management master”.

Similarly, overseas travel often gets municipal leaders in trouble, because they are seen as leisure travel packaged as “inspection” tours to learn how to improve municipal governance in Taiwan. In March 2018, then Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu visited the United States (days before she formally resigned to become the Presidential Office Secretary General) and in Washington DC met Taiwanese expatriates organizations and delivered a speech at think tank CSIS mostly about Taiwan’s democratization, activities that didn’t help improve the governance of Kaohsiung City. Mayor Ko’s trips to Israel, Netherlands, Japan and other locations often resulted in negative rather than positive media coverage. Taiwan’s municipal leaders are entitled to holidays (including one overseas if they so decide), though whether for official travel or personal travel there’s the risk of being outside Taiwan when a natural or manmade disaster occurs.

Mayor Chiang should keep in mind that his municipal diplomacy initiatives might be attacked by his political opponents. In 2019, then Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Karen Yu tweeted in English that the Prague Mayor should not establish sister city ties with Taipei City, because Mayor Ko Wen-je is “pro-Beijing”.

2. Recognize the Good Things Taipei Has, and Market Those: Taipei City cannot rely on central government agencies such as the Tourism Bureau to help market the city to tourists or investors. Unfortunately, Taipei City government agencies also fail to do a good job marketing the city. In 2020 this author I was asked to host a radio program on the city-operated radio station, FM93.1, Taipei Broadcasting Station. The initial understanding was that the show would be in English (to promote bilingual education and internationalization) and that the content of the program would be to explain to audiences in Taiwan and outside Taiwan good things the Taipei City government has achieved, upcoming events organized by the Taipei City government, and to generally explain what makes Taipei City a great place to live, work or visit. Unfortunately, city government agencies lacked the resources to accommodate requests for English-language interviews.

3. Positive Attitude Towards International Events: A good way to show Taipei to the world is to successfully execute international events. Although these events are often criticized as vanity projects for the mayor who decided to bid for hosting rights, and the budgets are hard to justify when there are other priorities for those who live and work in Taipei City. Regardless of any controversy, Taipei City has a history of generally successful international events including the 2009 Summer Deaflympics, 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition and the 2017 Summer Universiade. Most visitors to Taipei for these events had a positive experience, and international media coverage was generally positive. A similar upcoming event is the 2025 Summer World Masters Games jointly hosted by New Taipei and Taipei City, which is a great chance to showcase Taipei.

4. Don’t Do Foreign Media Interviews: The main interest foreign media will have in interviewing Mayor Chiang is to ask about the Chiang family history and China-Taiwan relations. They certainly do not want to interview him about the details of Taipei City government education, housing, or traffic policies. In addition, there are many examples of Taiwan politicians having to clarify after a foreign media interview what they said because their answers to the foreign reporter’s question resulted in domestic controversy. Sometimes this occurs when the Taiwan politician tries to show off their English language ability and accepts the interview in English only for the interview to become a disaster like what recently happened to Chinese Nationalist Party Chairman Eric Chu. My advice would be to do no foreign media interviews, but if he does, then do it in Mandarin not English notwithstanding Mayor Chiang speaks English well.

5. Foreign Residents Are Also Great Ambassadors: This author previously opined that Taiwan’s central and local government agencies have an odd habit of valuing foreigners who live outside Taiwan and make some gesture to show support for Taiwan over the foreign population resident in Taiwan. The Taipei City government can do more with the resident foreign community, who by their decision to live in Taipei City have demonstrated their commitment to this city. In 2022 this author spent months working with the Taipei City government and fire department to launch a program to welcome foreign residents to serve as volunteer firemen. At a time when many are asking what can they do to contribute to “civil defense”, this initiative offers foreign residents a chance to participate at the municipal government level, and would also demonstrate Taipei City’s diversity.

If the incoming Taipei City government wants to show how international Taipei is, Mayor Chiang Wan-an and his team don’t need to travel overseas, have video conferences with foreign city governments, or do foreign media interviews. Focus on day-to-day municipal governance, which can generate great publicity for Taipei City versus capitals in Asia that are still struggling with covid or other issues.