「双向塞船」画面曝光!长荣货轮卡苏伊士运河 船长们超崩溃


长荣海运超大型货柜轮长赐号(Ever Given)23日发生意外卡在苏伊士运河,尽管曾多次尝试调转脱离,但却仍然无果,导致连接欧亚南北双向水运的苏伊士运河交通严重阻塞。如今更有许多遭波及的货柜轮船长崩溃po出多艘货轮在运河上大排长龙的画面,画面十分惊人。


Parece que se ha quedado un barco de contenedores una miajilla atascado en el Canal de Suez (Egipto) y esta liando un embotellamiento bastante apañao. #SuezCanal https://t.co/NYFhQQ9wu9 pic.twitter.com/JJ0DVzLgeg



AIS data playback of the #SuezCanal the moment things went very, very wrong for the #EVERGIVEN...and then rest of global shipping.By @TankerTrackers pic.twitter.com/0p8icD95IR

The Suez Canal, one of the most important shipping lanes in the world, is reportedly blocked because someone accidentally got stuck with their giant container ship. The photo is unreal. pic.twitter.com/I2ACkBqPi2
