砸1360万请IG网红宣传! 澳洲政府遭批「帮酒商打广告」



澳洲卫生部为了鼓励年轻女性多运动,推行了一项「女孩动起来」(Girls Make Your Move)活动。《每日电讯报》揭露,政府过去18个月砸下超过60万澳币(约新台币1360万元)请来网红社群媒体Instagram上为这项活动宣传,但这些网红同时也在自己的帐号上公开为酒商宣传,也分享许多品酒美照变相推行饮酒,让政府遭到舆论批评。

卫生部长亨特(Greg Hunt)21日下令立即调查此事,同时暂停付费给这群网红。亨特表示,「我认为应该将纳税人的钱做更好的运用,而不是让网红宣传自己的兴趣。」他还说,「我现已立即暂停这些网红的推广和运用,若要继续推行这项活动,那么我必须了解它的适用性与所带来的好处。」

How beautiful is this view Perfect spot for some stair sprints!‍I love exercising outside and think it’s so fun incorporating resources that you wouldn’t always think to use. You can get active anywhere! As you guys know, I’m a supporter of the @GirlsMakeYourMove campaign so if you want to get some more inspiration head over to this link www.girlsmove.gov.au #GirlsMakeYourMove #GirlsMove #ad

E L L A(@ella_victoriaa)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 9 日 上午 1:25 张贴

My favourite way to catch up with my friends is getting my cute gym gear on and going for a beach walk, it doesn’t even feel like exercise! As a supporter of the @GirlsMakeYourMove initiative I encourage you girls to get active by exercising outside! Visit girlsmove.com.au and follow @GirlsMakeYourMove for daily tips and inspiration! #GirlsMove #GirlsMakeYourMove #ad

TOMIKAH SANTÈ JENKINS(@tomikahjenkins)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 28 日 下午 4:16 张贴


