Janet大赞「坐月子文化」! 揭密新生儿18件奇妙趣事
然而,其中一件趣事,竟包括「他还不能开车」,对此,Janet则补充标注笑说,「这个是George写的。 对不起,他累了。」夫妻俩可爱举动笑翻众人。此外,Janet提到,宝宝刚出生时会瘦很多,但其中流失的重量大多都是水,一直到满5个月后,大部分宝宝都会长到出生时体重的两倍、1岁则是3倍,为此开玩笑说,「你们如果还没有开始举重训练肌肉,现在立刻赶快开始!!!」
Interesting facts about newborns那些关于新生宝宝你所不知道的奇妙趣事:After an amazing month of pampering, sleeping, feeding, and butt washing, George Young and I have finally said goodbye to our “home” at the postpartum center. Oh yeah, I guess Egan was pampered by the nurses too. (I know… spoiled brats, right?!)经过一个多月的宠爱、睡觉、喂食、洗屁股, 我跟George终于要跟我们的月子中心的”家“告别。 喔对吼, Egan这个月也是被宠到不行。(我知道我知道,我们真的被宠坏了)I must admit, I was cynical of yuezi centers at first because I was all set to handle a baby by ourselves armed with books, family and friends’ advice, and the internet. But after experiencing the critical first month of parenthood, having 24-hr nurses around to help us with our questions, to teach us the essentials, to make sure none of us had problems and had enough time to rest and recover, I must say, it has definitely made the transition into “mommy” and “daddy” much easier. 我必须承认,一开始我们不是那么相信坐月子这件事。可能是因为在国外长大,我们几乎没有机会听到外国朋友们坐月子。大部分的人都是靠著书、朋友跟家人的帮忙和提供意见或是网路资讯来照顾小孩。但是,经过这个这么重要的第一个月的新手爸妈试炼,有24小时的护理师的帮忙解答我们千千万万个问题,教我们很多基本的照顾小孩和照顾自己的重要事,等⋯⋯我真的觉得这些对我们正值当准爸爸准妈妈的过渡期来说帮助非常的大,让整个过程更顺利也容易上手。Now that we have had our crash course in Baby 101 at Dayeh, we are back at home, armed with lots more knowledge and more importantly, more confidence and assurance that we don’t suck too much at this whole parenting thing… and maybe, just maybe… we CAN do this! Egan is 6 weeks old tomorrow, and we still have 984 weeks to go (until he’s 18), but we are definitely excited for this adventure to come!现在,经过了 大叶产后护理之家 Baby 101 课程调教后,我们终于回家了。现在有这些资讯有了月子中心的经验,更重要的是有比较多自信跟保证我们有一点机会不会成为太烂的新手爸妈哈。让我们觉得,我们好像真的做得到耶!Egan明天6周大了,我们还有984周要努力(到他18岁。哈哈),这真的让我们很期待接下来的挑战跟冒险。These are just a few fun facts we’ve learned about newborns in general:接下来要跟你们分享一些好玩有趣的关于新生儿的事:They can’t see colors at first. Just black and white.他们一开始这看不到彩色,只看到黑白。They also have terrible vision. -24.00 (2400度)Babies are probably the only people who have worse vision than me (-14.50).他们的近视很深, 差不多2400度所以所有的东西都是蒙蒙的。宝宝可能是唯一一个比我近视还要深的(我是1450度)。They need to be burped for a few months (they may swallow air when drinking from a bottle or breastfeeding, and because they are usually lying down, the air doesn’t come out.) Baby burps are so cute and satisfying to a parent. You feel a sense of accomplishment.他们必须被拍嗝(一开始喝奶的时候可能会吃很多空气进去,然后因为都是躺下来比较多,空气自己跑不出来),拍嗝后能让你的小孩打一个大的嗝真的很爽。(这个好像只有妈妈爸爸们会讲出来的话)They can’t drive (George’s comment)他还不能开车(这个是George写的。 对不起,他累了。)They like being swaddled because it makes them feel like they’re being cuddled. George and I have tried swaddling ourselves… it works like a charm. George is still asleep.他很喜欢被包的紧紧的因为这样会让他们有安全感。我跟George有试过把自己抱起来像baby一样。 真的有用耶!George被绑到现在还在睡。They lose a lot of water weight the first few days (but then they usually double their weight by month 5 and TRIPLE their weight by 1 year… so better start working out and lifting weights ASAP!)他们一开始前几天会瘦很多,不过那重量很多是水。但到第五个月,大部分都会长到出生体重的两倍;接下来一岁的时候就是三倍了!你们如果还没有开始举重训练肌肉,现在立刻赶快开始!!!They still have to brush their teeth even though they don’t have teeth.他们每一天都要刷牙,虽然他们没有牙齿They learn to fart after their digestive system develops a little bit more. And after they learn… they go from amateur to professional farters very quickly.他们是后面几周消化系统比较成熟的时候才开始学会真正的放屁。一旦学会,他们可以一秒从菜鸟变大师。They will develop red spots or dry scaly yellowish patches on their skin. It looks scary, but in most cases, is completely normal. (Cradle cap is a baby’s reaction to some of the hormones in the body leftover from pregnancy.) Don’t try and peel it off yourself. In most cases, it will fall off or go away on its own. If in doubt, ask your pediatrician. 他会长疹子,或是皮肤有一些泛黄干干的皮。看起来有点可怕,但其实大部分这样是很正常的。这俗称的乳藓(脂漏性皮肤炎)是某些新生宝宝对妊辰时贺尔蒙的反应,不要自己去抠它。通常它们会自己脱落。有疑问,还是去找医生问看看。They will get acne before they are teenages, (but unlike teens with acne, the women in the room still want to hug, squeeze and kiss their baby faces)他们会长痘痘。但不像青少年的痘痘,女人们即使看到宝宝脸上有痘痘还是会很想抱抱跟亲亲他们可爱又肥嘟嘟的脸。They blow spit bubbles. You will never think anybody else’s spit bubbles are as cute as your babies spit bubbles.他们很会吹口水泡泡。你永远不会觉得任何的人的口水泡泡比你自己小孩的口水泡泡可爱。They snort, snore and make tons of noise when they sleep. Kind of like a mini pig. 他们睡觉时会哼气、打呼,还会制造出各种声响。有点像迷你猪。They will twitch or jerk suddenly while they sleep (from dreaming?)他们睡觉时会突然抽动或抖动。(不知道是不是做梦?)Your baby has a specific cry that you will be able to recognize within a few days经过几天你会开始分辨你的宝宝一些不同哭声代表的涵意。And although they cry (a LOT), you may notice that there aren’t a lot of tears (for the first few weeks, they only produce enough tears to lubricate their eyes and keep them from drying out.)他们即便很爱哭,你会发现其实好像没什么眼泪。(前面几周他们只会流少许的眼泪让眼睛润泽不会干涩)Newborns sense of smell is quite developed (which is why we try to avoid strong smells like perfumes, lotions, etc so the baby can recognize our smell)他们对于气味的敏感程度会发展很快。(这也是为什么我们会尽量避免味道比较重的香水、乳液等等,这样宝宝才能好好辨别我们的味道)They can also hear surprisingly well which is why they can turn their heads towards a certain sound or will startle when somebody makes a loud noise.他们的听觉也很敏感,这也是为什么他们总是会把头朝向一些声响,或是会对一些声音有反应。Those EYES! Those huge huge adoring eyes… Human eyes are the only body parts which are full size when babies are born (They don’t grow any bigger throughout our lives!) It’s designed to make people like us go googoogaga when we see a baby and immediately fall in love with them. Raise your hand if you went “awww” when you saw Egan’s picture. Ok, you can put your hand down now. Thank you.还有他们的那双眼睛!那双水汪汪又大又圆的眼睛⋯⋯噢~~。人一出生的眼睛大小一直到长大成人都是不变的(它们不管我们多老都不再长大!),它这样的设计就是为了让像我们这些容易感动的人一看到宝宝的大眼就会开始撒花转圈并且马上爱上他们。当你看到Egan的照片时有发出”噢~~~”的声音的请举手(不管是心里呐喊还是真的呐喊)。好的,手可以放下了,谢谢你~!