开卷书摘》「假新闻」太泛滥 英文怎么说
「假新闻」太泛滥 英文怎么说(示意图/shutterstock 达志影像提供)
YouTube于上个月29日宣布,有关新冠肺炎及疫苗成份的假资讯都将被下架。海量的新闻资讯透过媒体和网站放送,让「假新闻(fake news)」转眼满天飞。
1. Completely false information photos or videos purposefully created and spread to confuse or misinform.(故意制造完全错误的讯息、图片或影片,旨在传播后误导他人。)
2. Information photos or videos manipulated to deceive or old photographs shared as new.(篡改讯息、图片或影片,以及分享老照片但声称是新照片,来欺骗他人。)
3. Satire or parody which means no harm but can fool people.(没有恶意的讽刺或改编,但是愚弄他人的讯息。)
假新闻一字之所以这么热门,可归因于美国前总统川普老爱用「假新闻」当口头禅(mantra),用来斥责媒体对他的攻击与敌意。《纽约时报》(New York Times) 曾报导这位充满争议性的总统如何用假新闻一词跟媒体对杠,报导中提及:
President Donald Trump routinely invokes the phrase“fake news”as a rhetorical cudgel to undermine opponents rally his political base and try to discredit a mainstream American media that is aggressively investigating his presidency.(川普总统经常用「假新闻」这个词作为修辞武器,打击反对者,动员自己的政治基本盘,并试图让一个正积极调查他在竞选总统时内幕的主流美国媒体名誉扫地。)
或许有人以为假新闻漫天飞的乱象是自网路发展后才有的现象。但事实上, 这种制造半真半假(misinformation) 甚至是无中生有的消息(disinformation), 然后再透过宣传媒体放送(propaganda),以得到特定目的操作手法,并不是新科技产物。
Circa 44 BC – Mark Antony smear campaign:
Octavian's propaganda campaign against Antony deployed Twitter-worthy slogans etched onto coins to smear Antony's reputation. These slogans painted Antony as a womanizer and a drunk implying he had become Cleopatra's puppet having been corrupted by his affair with her. Octavian became Augustus the first Roman Emperor and“fake news had allowed Octavian to hack the republican system once and for all.”(屋大维的反安东尼文宣活动,在钱币上头刻着类似(现代)推特用语的口号,企图抹黑安东尼的声誉。这些口号把安东尼形容成好色之徒、酒鬼,暗示他老早就变成克里奥帕特拉的魁儡,因为跟埃及艳后有染早已堕落。假新闻让屋大维得以摧毁共和制度, 成为第一位罗马皇帝奥古斯都。)
历史上,还有另一个促成假消息大量快速传递的时间点,落在西元15世纪,为德国发明家古腾堡(Johannes Gutenberg)发明印刷机应用活字印刷术之时。
Circa 1439 – Gutenberg printing press invented:
Fake news took off at the same time that news began to circulate widely in Europe enabled by the printing press.“Real”news was hard to verify in that era. There were plenty of news sources—from official publications by political and religious
authorities to eyewitness accounts from sailors and merchants—but no concept of journalistic ethics or objectivity. Readers in search of fact had to pay close attention.(古腾堡活字印刷术发明后,捏造出来的假新闻同时崛起,开始在欧洲广为流传。在那个年代,新闻的真实性难以验证,有许多消息来源,包括政治或宗教的官方宣传品到水手或商人的目击说法── 但当时完全没有新闻道德或客观性这种观念,读者得自己仔细找寻真相。)