▲ 脸书在台启动「打击假新闻」机制,连续违规最重会被砍帐号(图/Faebook提供)
文/Buffy Kao
在高中108新课纲中,「科技资讯与媒体素养」被列入核心素养之一,就是希望全民都能具备媒体识读的素养(media literacy)。现在就让我们来一边了解辨识讯息真伪的基本步骤,培养media literacy,一边学习多益单字。下次看到任何耸动消息,可别轻易随之起舞啰!
1. Take a closer look 仔细看一下
Check the source of the story, do you recognize the website? Is it a credible/reliable source? If you are unfamiliar with the site, look in the about section or find out more information about the author.(确认故事的来源,你是否认得这个网站?他是否是个值得信赖的来源?如果你不熟悉这个网站,进入「关于网站」或找出更多关于作者的资讯。)
而credible是「可信任的」,「-ible」和「-able」一样都是形容词字尾,表达「能够…的」。credit是大家熟悉的名词,表达「信用、信赖」,所以credit card是信用卡;片语give sb credit则是表达「给予某人赞赏的意思」。credibility则是credible的名词变化,指「可信赖度」。
另外,reliable意思为「可靠的」,reliability同样是名词变化,意思和credibility相近。reliable来自rely这个动词,「rely on…」是「依靠…」,reliant则是另一个形容词变化,表达「依靠人的」。
He is heavily reliant on his mother for everything.(他一切都非常依赖他的妈妈。)
She is a highly reliable person, so you can totally trust her with anything.(她是个非常值得信赖的人,因此你可以完全信任她。)
片语「be (un)familiar with…」指「(不)熟悉…」,familiar来自family的变化,因为是家人所以很熟悉,介系词用with,否定则直接在字首加上「un-」即可。familiarity是名词变化,而familiarize则是动词变化。
You need to familiarize yourself with the content before the presentation.(你需要在上台报告前熟悉内容。)*注意familiarize和with中间要加反身代名词yourself。
2. Look beyond the headline 查看标题以外的内容
Check the entire article, many fake news stories use sensationalist or shocking headlines to grab attention. (确认整篇文章,许多假新闻故事会使用耸动或震惊人的标题来吸引注意。)
另一个重要片语grab attention指「吸引注意力」,grab有抓的意思;和attract attention意思相同,但用前者感觉更生动。
3. Check other sources 检查其他来源
Are other reputable news/media outlets reporting on the story? Are there any sources in the story? If so, check they are reliable or if they even exist!(是否有其他知名的新闻/媒体报导该故事?故事中有任何来源吗?如果是这样,请检查它们是否可靠或者甚至存在!)
这里的reputable指「声名远播的」,reputation则是名词变化。而news/media outlet是新闻媒体管道,outlet有电源插座、出口的意思,也可以延伸指情绪发泄管道之意。
She is a reputable scientist.(她是一名声名远播的科学家。)
November 4 – Attention All Staff:Please be advised that there will be a fire drill on November 5th, at 2 pm. When the fire alarm sounds, please proceed to the designated assembly or meeting areas on St. John’s Square and Porter’s Avenue in an orderly manner. Please be aware that the old assembly zone on Main Street has been abandoned. Please use the fire exits and do not attempt to operate the lift. Your fire wardens, Jake Daniels and Alison Moyes will be on hand to offer you assistance and take a headcount once the evacuation is complete.
1. What is the purpose of this memo?(A) To appoint fire wardens.(B) To notify the staff of tomorrow’s fire drill.(C) To have all staff evacuate immediately.(D) To brief staff on safety regulations.
2. What area(s) should they all go to?(A) St. John’s Square, Porter’s Avenue and Main Street.(B) St. John’s Square.(C) Main Street.(D) St. John’s Square and Porter’s Avenue.
1. 正解为(B)。题意为「这篇备忘录的目的为何?」从标题「全体员工请注意」以及第一句「Please be advised that there will be a fire drill on November 5th, at 2 pm.(请注意11月5号下午2点会有一场消防演习。)」都说明这是要给员工的公告。且标题写着11月4日,因此可以确定演习就是明天下午,故答案应选(B)。
2. 正解为(D)。题意为「他们应该要前往哪里?」从下面这句「please proceed to the designated assembly or meeting areas on St. John’s Square and Porter’s Avenue in an orderly manner(请依序前往位于圣约翰街和波特大道上指定的聚集区域或集合区域)」可知,答案当然要选(D)。不能选(A)则是因为后面有说「Please be aware that the old assembly zone on Main Street has been abandoned.(请注意在主街上旧的集合地点已遭废弃。)」