时论广场》中共全会与拜习会后兵推系列七:台湾的盲点 欠缺民众视角(方恩格Ross Darrell Feingold)
What Does One Resolution Mean for Taiwan?
By Ross Darrell Feingold
Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad
Twitter: @RossFeingold
The timing of the recent table top exercise hosted by China Times and Council on Strategic & Wargaming Studies was excellent, coming days after both the 19th Communist Party of China Central Committee 6th Plenary Session as well as the “virtual” summit between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping.
As usual the participants in the table exercise included distinguished scholars, retired diplomats, and retired military officers. Their commentaries published afterwards provide their perspectives on important lessons for Taiwan that result from the table top exercise.
With regard to the Chinese Communist party meeting, the importance of the historical resolution passed at Xi Jinping’s behest was the focus of our discussion and analysis. Certainly, the historical resolution is relevant in understanding what Xi Jinping considers his successes over the past ten years, and as an indicator of what his continued leadership will entail in the coming years. However, this author is concerned about the amount of time scholars in Taiwan might spend on the number of references to Xi Jinping versus other past leaders, the importance of the resolution versus past historical resolutions or other important speeches or statements by the party or its leaders, or trying to understand the inner workings of Chinese Communist Party decision making process that resulted in the production of the resolution.
Little time was spent trying to analyze the relevance of the resolution to the approximately 1.3 billion people in China who are not party members. This brought to mind my own concern that relevant stakeholders in Taiwan, whether in academia, media and especially government, spend too much time on macro analysis of China (such as trying to understand the Chinese Communist Party, government