时论广场》政治手段不利2022台港关系(方恩格 Ross Darrell Feingold)













(作者为前美国共和党亚太区主席,Twitter: @RossFeingold)


Taiwan – Hong Kong Relations in 2022

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Twitter: @RossFeingold

The deterioration in government to government relations between Taiwan and Hong Kong began prior to the protests in 2019 over the proposed extradition law which then became protests to demand direct election to select the Chief Executive and members of the Legislative Council, prior to the implementation of the National Security Law in 2020, or prior to the changes to Hong Kong’s electoral system implemented in 2021. Examples before 2019 include the visits to Taiwan by Hong Kong democracy activists shortly after the 2014 Umbrella Protest, Hong Kong government denying Taiwan legislators entry into Hong Kong in 2016, the seizure in Hong Kong of Singapore military vehicles in transit to Singapore after the Singapore military conducted military exercises in Taiwan in 2016, and visits to Taiwan by Hong Kong democracy activists prior to and during the 2019 protests, as well as to observe Taiwan’s 2020 presidential and legislative elections.

The beginning of 2022 coincides with several incidents that indicate separate from relations between the mainland and Taiwan, the outlook for relations between Taiwan and Hong Kong, is, also, to no one’s surprise, bleak. This should be a concern for the many Taiwan people who work in Hong Kong, Taiwan companies with operations in Hong Kong, Hong Kong companies with operations in Taiwan, and Taiwan’s tourism industry in the hope that post-COVID normal inbound tourism might resume.

On January 6, Hong Kong newspaper Ta Kung Pao, which reflects Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and central government views, published a long article accusing Taiwan scholar Wu Rwei-ren of multiple violations of Hong Kong’s National Security Law. Wu, an associate research fellow at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Taiwan History, had previously published a commentary titled “For an Unfinished Revolution” in The Reporter in support of Hong Kong protestors. The Ta Kung Pao article about Wu Rwei-jen indicates that in addition to Taiwan government officials, Taiwan scholars and non-government organization activists are likely to be targeted by Hong Kong media for criticism. The response from Academia Sinica was a Facebook past with a large photo of Academia Sinica’s entrance and the words “defend this institution’s colleagues free speech” (捍卫 本院同仁言论自由) though Wu Rwei-jen’s name is omitted (his name is included in the brief text message that accompanies the photo). Responses from the Mainland Affairs Council and Democratic Progressive Party both occurred three days later, an unusually long delay. More practically, the Taiwan government should avoid politicizing the risk that Wu or others face of detention and extradition to Hong Kong when travelling in third countries, as a basic premise of extradition is that it is objectionable if the charge would not be a crime in the location from which the extradition is requested.

A recent report on Taiwan’s EYECTV further illustrated the Taiwan government’s somewhat sclerotic approach to Hong Kong issues, as it noted the lengthy delays Hong Kong people seeking Taiwan investor visas now face in obtaining approval to move to Taiwan, and, the Taiwan government has discouraged Hong Kong political activists who have relocated to Taiwan from speaking publicly.

For the business world, the Taiwan government’s intervention to prevent the transfer of data necessary for Next Digital’s liquidators in Hong Kong to perform their duties, although perhaps justifiable for political or data security reasons, is a concern to all multinational companies that up to now have complied with Taiwan law when sharing employee, customer and other information among offices in Asia including in Hong Kong. With local elections in November 2022 and presidential and Legislative Yuan elections in January 2024, it is likely that government, politicians, and non-government organization scrutiny of Hong Kong companies current business activities in Taiwan will increase, including the proposed purchase of Taiwan Apple Daily by a Hong Kong based investor. New investments in Taiwan by Hong Kong companies will be even more unlikely. Retaliation against Taiwan companies in Hong Kong or in the mainland is likely.

In addition, at the moment there is no reason to believe that Hong Kong and Taiwan’s respective representative offices will resume normal operations any time soon. In Hong Kong, Taiwan recently shrunk its office space by relocating the remaining local hire staff to a consolidated location from the multiple locations that were previously maintained. Over the long term, the lack of government representatives in each location is detrimental to trade and people flow and mutual understanding.

Amid the bleak outlook for Taiwan – Hong Kong relations, there is a unilateral action that Taiwan can take. February will be the four year anniversary of Poon Hiu-wing’s murder in Taipei, and her admitted murderer Chan Tong-kai has repeatedly, through family spokesman Reverend Peter Koon who took office on January 1 as member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council, expressed a willingness to fly to Taiwan to surrender to authorities and be put on trial. The Taiwan police and prosecutors should be confident in the forensic, video, and other evidence that is already in their possession that a conviction is likely, and thus the Taiwan government should eagerly accept Chan’s offer to come to Taiwan. If, after Chan comes to Taiwan and goes on trial, he suddenly insists on his innocence rather than admit his guilt, prosecutors should still be able to obtain a guilty verdict on the basis of the evidence they possess, with or without Chan Tong-kai’s cooperation.

The Taiwan government, has, in the past, requested that prior to agreeing that Chan Tong-kai may come to Taiwan, Hong Kong police share with the Taiwan evidence obtained in Hong Kong from Chan Tong-kai, that the two governments must directly discuss the terms of Chan Tong-kai’s travel to Taiwan, and that Taiwan police fly to Hong Kong so that they can accompany Chan Tong-kai on the flight back to Taiwan. Given the evidence that Taiwan police and prosecutors have in their possession, these conditions are all unnecessary, and Taiwan should instead clearly state that a visa for Chan to travel to Taiwan will be issued immediately upon his application with no other conditions. Further delay only denies justice to Poon’s family. This is one decision that the Taiwan government can unilaterally make in order to take the high road in bilateral relations.