




Taiwan’s daily egg demand is about 22 million, but it currently supplies just over 18 million, which is a shortfall of about 4 million eggs a day. (poultryworld.com)(台湾每日的鸡蛋需求约2200万颗,但目前供应量仅约一千八百万,也就是每日短缺约400万颗鸡蛋。)

一般讲到「短缺」时,最常用shortage来形容,如去年的water shortage「缺水」、electricity/power shortage「缺电」。而现在全台面临的就是一个severe egg shortage 「严重的蛋荒」。

shortage和shortfall的差别在于 shortfall指的是「不足的(量)、缺额、短少的量」,简单来说,fall short of…就是「短缺…」 的意思。

Our sales have fallen short of the target set by the department.(我们的销售额没有达到部门设定的标准。)

insufficient (adj)「不足,短少」在多益测验中经常出现,deficit (n)则可以解释为「赤字、亏损」。

The bank just informed us that there were insufficient funds to make the transfer.(银行刚通知我们帐户资金不足以转帐。)

另一个较难的单字是scarcity (n)「缺乏、不足、稀少」,形容词为 scarce (adj)。

The government decided to import eggs from other countries to address the scarcity.(政府决定从其他国家进口鸡蛋来应付短缺的问题。)



The cold weather has been to blame, for some, and for others, the impact of avian influenza, climate instability, and rising international prices for materials … while multiple factors are behind the shortage, one of the reasons is the slump in demand last year during Level 3 Covid-19 alert that discouraged breeders from replenishing their stocks of chicks. (poultryworld.com)(天气寒冷、禽流感、气候不稳定以及国际原物料价格上涨都是罪魁祸首。虽然(蛋荒)背后有多种因素,其中一个是去年在新冠肺炎三级警戒期间对鸡蛋的需求大为降低,导致蛋农补足蛋鸡的意愿不高。)


The airline industry has been in a slump since the outbreak of the pandemic in early 2020.(自从2020初疫情爆发以来,航空业一直处于萧条状态。)

instability (n)「不稳定」,相反字为stability (n)、stable(adj)「稳定」,都是多益测验高频出现的单字。

Maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait is important to a lot of countries.(维持台湾海峡的稳定对许多国家来说很重要。)

如要将stability当动词使用,加上动词字尾「-ize」即可,会变成stabilize (v)。

The Executive Yuan on Sunday announced that the government would waive a 5 percent business tax for importers of soybeans, wheat and corn to stabilize chicken feed prices, the council said.(Taipei Times)(农委表示,行政院于周日宣布,政府将对大豆、小麦和玉米进口商免除5%的营业税,以稳定鸡饲料的价格。)

stabilize prices「稳定物价」,跟价格搭配使用的词有很多,关于本次蛋荒的新闻,就常看到freeze prices「冻涨」、raise/lift prices「涨价」。

The government decided to give farmers compensation for freezing the prices.(政府决定提供补偿给农民冻涨价格的(损失)。)


希望这次缺蛋的状况能够尽快落幕,民众们也不再需要跑到各卖场找蛋(egg hunt)。最后来看看和蛋相关的英文片语或谚语。

提到找蛋,第一个想到的就是寻找复活节彩蛋(Easter egg),而easter egg也引申为「意想不到的惊喜」,因此许多电影中加入一些刻意安排的巧思,让影迷能够在观影过程中寻找蛛丝马迹,享受意外发现的乐趣,也就称为「电影彩蛋」。

Gina made a video talking about hidden easter eggs in some popular Disney movies. (Gina拍了一支影片介绍迪士尼电影中的隐藏彩蛋。)

to put all eggs in one basket 字面上解释为「把全部的蛋放在一个篮子里」,引申为「孤注一掷」的意思。

When it comes to investing, don’t put all eggs in one basket. You need to diversify your portfolio.(投资时千万别把鸡蛋放在同个篮子,你需要有更多样化的投资组合。)


1. We ______ on eggshells since the new sales manager came last month.

(A) walk

(B) have been walking

(C) have walking

(D) were walking

2. Oil prices ______ during the outbreak since a lot of people started teleworking.

(A) deficient

(B) fell short of

(C) scarce

(D) slumped


1. 正解为(B)。句意为「自从上个月新的业务经理来了后,我们一直都很小心翼翼。」本题是要选择适合空格的时态,句子中判断时态的关键词是 since「自从」,常与完成式一同使用,故(B) 是正确答案。walk on eggshells代表「小心翼翼」的意思。

2. 正解为(D)。句意为「油价在疫情期间______因为许多人开始远距工作。」本题为单字文法题,要选择符合句意的单字和文法。(A)不足的,(B)短少,(C)缺少的,(D)暴跌。故(D)是正确答案。
