







「韦佳德公开支持多元成家。家庭是个温馨,温暖,有爱的地方。不管由谁而组成。In Support of Same-sex Marriage and Family Diversity in Taiwan. Family is a warm place in your heart filled with love. No matter how that family is comprised.」重要讯息,麻烦大家帮忙转发分享,将爱与人权分享出去!此次的文章为双语因为我希望可以触及到更多人,让更多人帮台湾打气加油迈向国际人权舞台之路!另,今天是中秋节。中秋节当天月亮满月象征团圆。中秋节也是农作物丰收的时节家家户户会庆祝秋收、感谢上天、敬神祭拜。中秋节除了谢天外,亦是家人联络感情的团圆节日。每人都有权利资格选择自己的家人因为家庭是个温馨,温暖,有爱的地方。不管由谁而组成。中秋节快乐`。大家好。我是韦佳德。Hello everybody. This is Skanda.今天,这部影片是为了公开支持「多元成家」。I want to show my support for the draft bill for family diversity.家庭是什么?What is family?对我来说,家庭是个温馨,温暖,有爱的地方。不管由谁而组成。To me family is a warm place in your heart filled with love. No matter how that family is comprised.身为老外的我不想干涉台湾的政策,但是我想表达我自己的看法。As a foreigner I do not intend to interfere with Taiwan policies, but I do have the right to express my opinion.台湾已经是一个很棒的地方,但是如果要走上国际舞台的话,还有一大段路,而大家的观念及想法也不能被局限住。Taiwan is already a great place to live. However, in order to walk on the international stage, there is still a long way to go. People’s thoughts and ideas should not be so constricted.我想在这边真心真意地感谢这两年来公开支持「多元成家」的艺人好友谢谢你们勇敢站出来。谢谢你们大声支持人权。I would like to thank those who have publicly supported this draft bill over the last two years. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for supporting human rights. 虽然同性恋者并不是唯一关注这个草案族群,但是对于同志朋友意义重大。Although this law is not just about same-sex couples, it is most certainly of vital importance to all LGBT people.很多时候说话不要太超过。要站在别人的立场为对方着想,并且要有同理心。我有时候不了解为什么都已经21世纪了,还有人用gay、死娘炮,这些字眼来歧视他人。And there are others who should think before condemning. Instead, try to stand in other people’s shoes, show some empathy. I really don’t understand. This is the 21st century and people are still using words like gay and faggot to discriminate. Gay又怎么样,straight又又怎么样?大家都一样是人,只不过是爱的方向不同而已只要心里有爱,包容不同想法行为模式的他人,苍穹之星将闪烁得亮一点,不是吗?So what if you are gay? So what if you are straight? We are all human beings and there are many kinds of love. Let love into your heart, learn to be considerate of other lifestyles, and the stars of the Firmament will shine all the brighter, right?我真的不敢相信,还有这么多人活在仿佛今天还是19世纪一样,可以歧视他人,好像人有阶级之分,世界上还有这么多值得大家关注的事,把自己的心里充满多一份爱,世界就会多一点美。I just can’t believe so many people behave as if they were still in the 19th century and feel that they are entitled to discriminate against others, that they can choose who is worthy and who is not. There are so many other things in the world that need attention. Choose love instead of hate and the world will be a better place. 十月是同志大游行。希望今年所有参加的人,除了享受欢乐时光之外, 也可以勇敢用自己的方式表达出自己的爱,让台湾真正地跟上世界的步伐。This coming October, Taiwan LGBT Pride will again be taking place. I hope that this year all the participants, will not only enjoy all of the celebrations, but also will have the courage to openly express their love, helping to make sure that Taiwan is on the right side of history.我爱台湾,也希望宝岛是真正充满爱的一个地方。I love Taiwan. I hope that this beautiful island may brim with love. 不要害怕。不要让别人影响到自己。做自己,爱自己,把自己想说的话大声地说出来。Don’t be scared, don’t let other people’s opinions affect you. 做自己,爱自己,把自己想说的话大声地说出来。Be yourself, love yourself, speak your heart out, loud and proud.Be yourself, love yourself, always.P.S. 这个影片我是在上正音课之前所录制的,敬请大家原谅我的怪腔怪调。重点是讯息的内容。 谢谢帮忙转发分享出去。台湾性别平等教育协会 Tgeea (Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association)台湾同志游行联盟 Taiwan LGBT Pride台湾同志咨询热线台湾同志家庭权益促进会台湾同志家庭权益促进会台湾同志咨询热线 南部办公室Age Of Queer 酷时代同志新闻报导同志公民 Out & VoteETtoday分享云ETtoday新闻云ETtoday星光苹果日报即时新闻苹果娱乐新闻Yahoo!奇摩新闻苹果日报自由时报评论网壹周刊壹周刊TVBS 新闻