9:15-12:25 | 13:45-18:15
Tuesday, October 21
9:15-12:25 | 13:45-18:15
Yellow River Hall, 3F
Brandon Sheffield, 总监 | Necrosoft Games
每个人都说你应该进行游戏测试,并从反馈中学习汲取教训。但你如何才能知道哪些是在寻求的反馈,而哪些是要抛弃的反馈?你又如何才能将零碎的即兴评论转变成能让你的游戏发生切实改变的建议?本演讲并没有全部的答案,但会通过使《Gunhouse》从一个48小时的Game Jam作品变成一个触摸设备上深受好评、成熟完善的游戏的反馈收集过程来为你提供指导意见。
Learning from Feedback with Gunhouse: Improve your Game through Playtesting
Brandon Sheffield , Director | Necrosoft Games
Everyone says you should playtest, and learn from your feedback. But how do you know what to look for, and what to throw away? How can you turn off the cuff comments into statements that actually make a difference for your game? This session doesn't have all the answers, but will guide you through the process of taking feedback that got Gunhouse from a 48 hour game jam to a well received, full fledged game for touch devices.
小团队在准备Kickstarter这样的众筹项目时,要花费大量人力和物力,如何预测KS项目的成败? 在筹集成功之后,更要顶住巨大压力完成游戏。 在此傲逆软件的周鲁将分享《水晶战争》(C-Wars)从Kickstarter众筹成功到完成游戏的全过程经验,重点介绍如何将众筹的功用,从“简单募集”拓宽成“市场推广”和“媒体公关”,并避开在众筹前后的各种陷阱,让众筹能够真正帮上开发团队。
Squeeze the Max out of a Kickstarter Campaign: C-Wars Postmortem
Loup Zhou | Onipunks Software
Kickstarter is the best place to pre-market your upcoming game. A tiny team need to face some incredible difficulties before even getting there. How to predict the result of a Kickstarter campaign? How to deliver a good game after running a successful one? Loup Zhou from Onipunks Software will share their experiences on C-Wars through the journey with Kickstarter.
From China to USA, From AAA to Indie Game
Zhan Ye, COO | Zing Games
From the personal experiences and perspectives as an indie game developer, this session will take example of the award-winning iOS game Mr. Runner 2 to review the two biggest challenges encountered during the development process. How shall we switch from AAA game development to the agile development of a small team steering the mobile games? How shall we break the cultural barriers and enter the strong culture-centric markets to make fun games for European and American players.
Jon Ingold,创意总监 | inkle
我们对《80天环游地球》(80 Days)最初的设计十分简单——一个基于选择的故事,发生在世界地图上,包含健康与金钱的资源经营要素。但在开发的过程中,游戏的范围和追求不断地扩展,变得截然不同:一款自我叙事的平面游戏,故事的叙述会适应游戏的环境,但有时也会改变它们。在本演讲中,我们将概述我们所经历的迭代,详细讨论我们是如何构建故事内容,使之变得灵活的同时仍能保持一致且扣人心弦。我们将详细地展示各种游戏要素——美术、世界内经济和多人游戏——是如何结合在一起形成叙事动力,以及消除内容限制是如何释放我们写出更多有趣的故事。
80 DAYS Post-Mortem: Letting the Game Tell the Story
Jon Ingold, Creative Director | inkle
Our initial design for 80 DAYS was simple - a choice-based story, laid out across a globe map, with a resource management element for health and money. But during development, it expanded in scope and ambition to become something quite different: a board-game, which narrates itself, with the narrative adapting to the circumstances of the game, but sometimes changing them as well. In this talk, we'll outline the iterations we went through, and discuss in detail how we built the story content to be flexible while remaining consistent and compelling. We'll show in detail how the various game-elements - the art, the in-world economy, and the multiplayer - work together to create the narrative momentum, and how removing constraints from the content freed us up to write more interesting stories.
Niche Genre Game Production Guide – How to Make a Mobile Flight Game
Wen Zhong, Producer & Co-founder | Mobile Fish Studio
Why shall we want to make an outdated game genre in an emerging platform? What’s the fun of flight games? During the process of making a “fun” flight game, we have been facing the pressure from three aspects: difficult to recruit the talents with a suitable background, small market and low budget. This session will take example of War Wings to share its production process within these limits, and find out what on earth is so special in its development and production. It will introduce how to sort out the core fun of flight games in the development, how to learn from past successes and failures, how to create a team able to develop that niche genre games, how to produce unique gameplay to help War Wings stand out from other competitors, and how to maintain neither too hardcore nor too superficial while treating the “military fans”.
Single-Player Card Game Three Kindoms: Way of Survival from Desperate Situation
Michael Tong,Game Producer | OneOne Games
Single-player card game Three Kindoms, originally an underachieving mobile game, has obtained remarkable results by quickly covering the developing cost after its launch in APP store. As the game developer, OneOne Games was once at the edge of the entrepreneurship failure. It was very inspiring that a small team of 5 could achieve that success, which looked accidently but actually was a result of finding a new way out. Several problems are inevitably encountered when starting the mobile game business, such as money, team, development, marketing and the particular problems for single-player games. This session will share with the audience the experiences and lessons learned from the developing process.