












世界卫生组织秘书长 谭德塞 先生,

你在看这篇文章的时候,世界上有数千万人,以生命和自由为代价,与疫情相抗之时, 很遗憾的,WHO 在您的带领下,并没有阻止错误资讯的流传。

您和 WHO 其他官员,在一月、二月接连犯下关键的错误,包括对特定国家疫情做出不实描述,甚至误称 COVID-19 不具人与人传播的可能性。在四月九号,您在公开场合以严厉的口吻,指责数十家国际媒体所盛赞防疫典范–台湾,我们的国家。


当我们与您的国家站在一起,您对我们国家却是以相反的态度。您指责台湾组织网路攻击,持续三个月,而忽略了台湾在十二月底就向 WHO 提出关于疫情的警告

台湾在一月就展开各种形式的创新防疫措施,如今成为纽西兰、美国等国家官员的参考典范。我们相信我们可以提供世界需要的帮助,即使 WHO 连台湾以任何形式与会的权利都不给,我们仍主动向全世界贡献。




请认真看待台湾吧。台湾是可靠的帮手,台湾人正在帮助世界上每一个共享人权与价值的朋友。在过去几十年,台湾是被忽略、压迫、排除的一员,多年来,我们在歧视与惨痛教训之中成长茁壮,包含 17 年前在台湾蔓延的 SARS 疫情。

台湾不是一个大国,但依然站起,依然为世界尽一份心力。 请让我们帮忙,在疫情面前,伸出援手的我们,没有被排除在国际组织之外的任何理由全人类对抗这场世纪之疫,世界和台湾,需要一起同行。

Taiwan can help. Taiwan is helping.

To Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization,

As you are reading this, with tens of millions of people around the world fighting the pandemic at the cost of their lives and freedom, it is regrettable that the WHO, under your leadership, has not stopped the flow of misinformation.

You and other WHO officials, in January and February, made a succession of critical mistakes, including your erroneous descriptions of China’s containing of the outbreak and your misdeclaration of COVID-19’s low possibility of human-to-human transmission. On April 9, you made public remarks with a scathing tone, attacking Taiwan, our country, a success story fighting coronavirus.

You claimed that in the past three months, Taiwan has been attacking you. But the truth is, Taiwan is a partner of your hometown, Ethiopia, where Taiwan provides medical missions, water resources, and continued support for women and children's rights and food security. Taiwanese have raised money for students from Ethiopia to receive medical treatment, and Taiwanese businesses have even sponsored tens of thousands of children in Ethiopia, hoping that Ethiopia and Taiwan can work together for a better future.

While we have been standing with your country, you chose to adopt an opposite attitude towards our country. You accused Taiwan of organizing a cyberattack that lasted three months, yet you ignored the warnings Taiwan sent to the WHO about the outbreak as early as in late December 2019.

Taiwan launched various forms of innovative preventive measures in January and now serves as a good reference for officials in countries including New Zealand and the United States. We believe we can provide the help the world needs, and even though the WHO has not even given Taiwan the right to participate in any way, we have taken the initiative to contribute to the world.

If you've been watching the news, we've just donated 10 million (actually usable) masks to the world, after meeting the needs of our own people. And we are ready to deliver the next batch.

The world is extremely confused about you and the organization you serve, and Taiwan is as confused. Perhaps, the organization is rather slow in suppressing the pandemic, but if you can insist on communicating the truth, you can stop the proliferation of disinformation.

Please stop oppressing Taiwan, which is reaching out to the world, and all other vulnerable people. The WHO should play the role of a fair judge in the face of the world's doubts about China’s untruthful report of the domestic developments of COVID-19.

Please take Taiwan seriously. Taiwan is a reliable helper and the Taiwanese people are helping every friend worldwide who values human rights and shares the same values as we do. Over the past few decades, Taiwan has been part of the neglect, oppression and exclusion, and over the years, we have grown and thrived amidst discrimination and painful lessons, including the SARS epidemic that spread in Taiwan 17 years ago.

Taiwan is not a big country, but it still stands tall and does its part for the world. Please let us help, in the face of the pandemic. There is no reason for us, who are lending a helping hand, to be excluded from international organizations. As all mankind is fighting against this pandemic of the century, the world and Taiwan need to stand strong on the battlefield together.

Taiwan can help. Taiwan is helping.