

不管你欣赏或不欣赏,西方职场充满了各种片语。他们不讲「开始」一个专案,而用get a project off the ground;不说「联络你」,而用touch base。今天一起来看看几个道地美式说法。

●in the know

私底下通知、知会特定的讯息例句:Not too many people are in the know about this project.

知道一些不为人知的秘密,也可以用in the know。例句:He is in the know as far as the office affairs are concerned.(办公室发生的事他都知道。)



例句:Mike is a hands-off manager. He lets me do what I want as long as I meet my project goals.

●Touch base

Base就是基地,或基础。To touch base的意思就是把某一件事的情况告诉有关的人,来自美国棒球运动。但是,它已经成为一个经常商业用语了。意思是跟相关人员联系

例句:Mr. Lee, you have a good credit record and I think we can okay the loan. But I do have to touch base with the head of our loan department for his okay. I'll try to phone you tomorrow.

●Reality check


例句:It's time for a reality check. You're never going to finish that book.

●Snap judgments


例句:I hope you would stop making snap judgments. You've got to listen to the opinions from your team members before coming to a conclusion.

●word of mouth/by word of mouth

Word of mouth就是我们常说的「口碑」。By word of mouth是指人们经由一传十,十传百口传方式得知某件事,也就是借着口耳相传,大家告诉大家的意思。


A:This restaurant is so small, but it's always crowded. How did you find out about it?

B:I heard by word of mouth that they had great food.