【新闻多益】时时消毒杀菌做好防疫 清洁的英文是?

新闻多益】时时消毒杀菌做好防疫 清洁的英文是?(示意图/shutterstock达志影像)

从去年开始,全民为了对抗新冠病毒,凡是带有「消毒 」、「杀菌」等关键字,都成为热卖商品的必备标签。首先来认识这些英文单字怎么说:

1. disinfection (n.) 消毒

英文字首dis表示「相反、反对」,infect (v.)是「传染、感染」,因此disinfect成为「为……除菌、替……消毒」的动词,disinfection是名词。常见用法如disinfect the toilets(给厕所消毒)、disinfect a wound(给伤口消毒)、water disinfection products(净水消毒产品)。

2. sterilization (n.) 杀菌

源自于动词sterilize,这个字本身有两个意思。第一是表示「结扎、使绝育」,例:After having four children, she decided to be sterilized(生了四个孩子之后,她决定去做结扎手术)。第二个意思是「消毒、使无菌」,例:Sterilize the bottles with boiling water(用沸水消毒瓶子)。形容词是sterile,表示「消过毒的、无菌的」,例:We need a roll of sterile bandage(我们需要一卷消毒绷带)。

3. sanitization (n.) 消毒、清洁

源自于动词sanitize,表示「给……消毒、对……进行卫生处理 」。其他相似的字汇包含sanitary (adj.)卫生的、sanitation (n.)公共卫生设施)、sanity (n.)心智健全等,都是同一拉丁字源,它们都带有生理心理健康的意思。sanitize这个动词更可延伸成「消除过激或令人不快的内容净化内容」的意思,例如:a sanitized film(经过净化处理的影片)。sanitize可以翻成消毒剂,或干洗手。

提到消毒产品,紫外线灯(ultraviolet light)的相关用具就相当受到民众青睐。除了网路流传着使用紫外线来消毒皮肤衣服或其他物品的说法;根据新闻报导上海公车更引进紫外线杀菌消毒,他们直接将整辆公车开进装满紫外线灯管的消毒间,透过紫外线来达到消毒目的,并且宣称透过这个方法,防疫十分钟就搞定。

A public transport company in Shanghai has deployed ultraviolet (UV) light units to disinfect public buses using less time and manpower. Officials from China's National Health Commission point out that the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat.


甚至,泰国有所学校装了紫外线灯光照射的隧道(UV disinfection tunnel),但穿过隧道的不是校车,而是要求学生进校前都得先穿越隧道消毒。

To complete the disinfection process, people had to go through a thermal scanner and clean their hands with sanitizer before walking through the tunnel, according to the college staff.




The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a stern warning against people using UV light to sterilize their hands or any other part of their skin.


Exposing yourself to the sun or temperatures higher than 25°C DOES NOT protect you from COVID-19. You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19.

(暴露在阳光下或者超过25°C 的地方无法确保你不会感染新冠肺炎。无论太阳多大、天气多热,会得病就是会得病。炎热地区的国家一样有新冠肺炎确诊案例。)

UV is important for getting Vitamin D and keeping us healthy. UV radiation can cause skin irritation and damage your eyes, and too much of it can cause skin cancer or eye cataracts.

