给你一对英语的翅膀-认识朋友的方法 Friends in the Making

当你新到一个地方时,最难的就是交朋友了。交新朋友有时是很尴尬及费时的一个过程。总不能遇见人就说:「你好,我叫乔。我在找人当我的朋友, 你愿意吗?」这么做人们会认为你疯了。那到底要如何开始呢?

Here is a list of ideas you might try:


1.Starting a conversation with a lot of people: Make small talk with the people you meet. The more people you get to know on an acquaintance basis, the better chance you have to click with someone.


2.Like to play musical instrument? Find lessons in a music store, and join a band.


3.Like to help others? Volunteer in a hospital, or an international organization that help others around the world, etc.

喜欢帮助人吗? 到医院志工或参加国际组织来帮助世界各地的人。

4.Join a club: politics, books, health gym, or cards.


5.Take classes in a subject you’ve always wanted to learn: a foreign language, fashion, cooking, or computer.


6.Have children? Get acquainted with the parents of children who participate in YOUR children’s extracurricular activities (e.g. Basketball team, band, chess club, etc.)


7.Language exchange: If you want to learn a foreign language, go online to see if there is anyone who wants to learn Chinese so you can carry out a language exchange and make friends with them.


Making friends is not an easy thing to do but you can take the opportunity to get to know someone whenever the opportunity arises. Some of the best conversation “ice breakers” include pets, children, their career, the weather, and the latest news on the radio. Avoid politics and religion. Last but not least, don’t stay at home. Nobody will even know you exist if you never get involved in anything!


