VoiceTube/想称赞人「聪明」只会说 smart 吗?


想称赞人「聪明」只会说 smart 吗?想来点新意却总是辞穷?还有哪些英文单字虽然说人聪明却带有贬义?怎么形容人「心机很重」?让 VoiceTube 帮你整理,下次别再辞穷啰!

smart (adj.) 聪明的

英英字典怎么解释:intelligent, or able to think quickly or cleverly in difficult situations.(很有智力的,或在艰难的情况反应机伶的)

smart 这个字广泛涵盖了跟「聪明」有关意思,因为都是正面的意义,所以常被拿来称赞别人。

Tim’s teacher says that he is one of the smartest kids in the school.Tim 的老师说他是学校里最聪明的小孩之一。

wise (adj.) 有智慧

英英字典怎么解释:showing the ability to make good judgments, based on a deep understanding and experience of life.(基于对生活的深刻了解和经验,因而拥有绝佳的判断力)

通常是指成熟且富经验累积而成的智慧 (所以通常不会拿来形容小孩)

Tony thinks he made a wise decision breaking up with his girlfriend.Tony 觉得跟女友分手是很明智的决定。

Wise men learn something of fools; but fools learn nothing of wise men.智者能从愚人身上学到某些东西;愚人从智者身上则学不到任何东西。

clever (adj.) 机伶、反应敏捷的

英英字典怎么解释:having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily(拥有快速学习、了解新事物能力)

He is a very clever politician, too clever by half, in my opinion.他是一位十分精明的政客。不过在我看来,他未免过于精明了。

Joanne has never been very clever, but she tries hard.Joanne 向来不是很聪明,可是她很努力。

intelligent (adj.) 智商高、课业表现很好、有才智

英英字典怎么解释:showing intelligence, or able to learn and understand things easily.(很有智力,能够很轻易地了解事情)

Although Leonard is not very intelligent, he studies hard to catch up with other students.Leonard 虽然不是非常聪明,但他为了追赶上其他学生而很努力学习

If you have difficulty in doing math, you can ask Anna. She is intelligent.如果你对数学不大擅长,你可以去请教 Anna,她很聪明。

knowledgeable (adj.) 知识渊博的、见多识广的

英英字典怎么解释:knowing a lot.(懂很多事)

Danny is knowledgeable about the chemistry of metals.Danny 对金属的化学性质知之甚多。

Duncan is a knowledgeable professor.Duncan 是一位学识渊博的教授

brainy (adj.) 有头脑的、脑筋动得快的 (多用于口语)

英英字典怎么解释:having or showing a well-developed intellect.(拥有很棒的理解力)

Gasol is a brainy boss, he managed many projects that keep the company in the black.Gasol 是一个脑筋转很快的老板,他制定许多让公司赚钱的计划

*补充*in the black 指的是有盈利,让公司持续在赚钱的状况反义词则是 in the red,也就是我们所熟悉的「财务赤字」唷!

witty (adj.) 富于机智的、幽默诙谐的

英英字典怎么解释:using words in a clever and funny way.(说话充满机智与趣味)

Ginobili is so witty. I think I am in love.我想我爱上机智幽默的 Ginobili 了。

A witty woman is a treasure; a witty beauty is a power.聪慧的女人是个宝;聪慧的美人力量

sharp (adj.) 指反应敏锐的 (用于口语)

英英字典怎么解释:clever or quick to notice things.(反应很快)

Duncan may be old but he’s still sharp as a tack.Duncan 也许上了年纪,但他仍然反应敏捷。

*补充*tack 是图钉的意思!

brilliant (adj.) 才华洋溢的、聪颖的、技艺高超的

英英字典怎么解释:extremely clever or skilled.(十分机伶、技艺高超的)

Einstein was a brilliant scientist.爱因斯坦是才华洋溢的科学家

bright (adj.) 聪明的 (老外常常用 bright 来形容孩子)

英英字典怎么解释:able to learn things quickly.(学习事物很快)

They are bright children, always asking questions.这些孩子很聪明,总爱问问题

看完小编整理出十个跟「聪明」有关的常用形容词,下次要称赞别人时,就可以有新意点,不用再说 smart 啦!


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全文请见:VoiceTube 看影片学英语〈想称赞人「聪明」只会说 smart 吗?10 个常用「聪明」单字整理,想赞美人不怕辞穷!〉

文 / Angela Yeh图 / Pexels, CC Licensed

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